Feature Article
2ND LEAD (Adds Election Manifestos)

Sinhala leftists need careful perusal of Lenin’s definition of Right to Self-Determination

[Wed, 18 Sep 2024, 21:30 GMT]
Russian revolutionary leader and theoretician Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) was highly critical of the interpretation of the Right of Self-Determination by his contemporary Marxist thinker Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919). While Luxemburg argued that national self-determination was a dangerous distraction from the desired system change towards a socialist state, Lenin defended the right to self-determination, including secession. Most Sinhala leftists have been opportunists who peddle Marxism like a pimp, especially concerning the national question. They are divergent from Lenin’s extremely well-articulated definition and clarification of the national right of self-determination. Full story >>

மூலோபாயத்தையும் தந்திரோபாயத்தையும் தொலைத்த தேர்தல் அரசியலைத் திருத்த இயலுமா?

[Sun, 18 Aug 2024, 11:27 GMT]
இலங்கையில் ஜனாதிபதித் தேர்தல் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள சூழலில், இது தொடர்பாக ஈழத்தமிழர் தேசம் கடைப்பிடிக்கவேண்டிய அரசியல் நிலைப்பாடு என்ன என்ற கேள்வியை முன்வைத்து, தேர்தல் அரசியல் தொடர்பான எண்ணங்களும் முடிவுகளும் மூன்று முனைகளில் வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன. இந்த மூன்று முனைகளும் ஈழத்தமிழர் தேசிய விடுதலைக்கான கொள்கை சார் அரசியலில் இருந்து ஏற்கனவே வழுவியுள்ளன அல்லது அவ்வாறு வழுவுவதற்கான அறிகுறிகளை வெளிப்படுத்தியுள்ளன. மேலெழுந்தவாரியாக ஊடக அறிக்கைகளையும் உடன்படிக்கைகளையும் படிக்கும்போது ஈழத்தமிழர் தேசிய விடுதலைக்கான அடிப்படைகளைச் சரியாகக் கையாண்டிருப்பது போன்ற சொற்பொருட் தோற்றம் ஏற்படலாம். ஆனால், கொள்கைசார் விடுதலை அரசியல் பற்றிய அறிவோடு உற்று நோக்கும் போது இவற்றுக்குப் பின்னால் வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள பொறிகளைத் துல்லியமாக அடையாளம் காண முடியும். அந்த அறிவைப் பகிர்ந்துகொள்வது விடுதலை அரசியலின் செல்நெறியை இனியாதல் சரியாக வழிப்படுத்த ஆக்கபூர்வமானதாக அமையும். Full story >>

Tribute by Krisna

Viraj exposed West’s criminalization of Tamil struggle

[Fri, 30 Aug 2024, 15:27 GMT]
Viraj Mendis Even though I first met Viraj Mendis in Geneva, his reputation as a fearless advocate for Tamil liberation preceded him. The movement respected Viraj, and many of our leaders in the diaspora and the homeland sought his clarity and insight. I consider myself fortunate to have worked with him and learned from him. Full story >>

Feature Article
Tribute by Maha

Viraj teaches Zone of Peace, Peace Process, Crimes Against Peace

[Tue, 20 Aug 2024, 17:59 GMT]
When I went to work on a project with Viraj Mendis in Germany, I recognised him at the Bremen airport from a video: a tall man with white hair and beard. He was interesting and special in my view then as he was Sinhalese and passionate about ending the conflict of Tamil Eelam's occupation by Sri Lanka. I wanted to know how it came to be. I failed to understand that the opportunity of working with him was so precious; I should meticulously document everything he said in videos, at least just for myself. Just like after my parents passed away, I had regrets, I feel the same for Viraj and wish I could talk to him again. As he has said in a video, the realisation comes after a tragedy. Full story >>

Feature Article
Tribute by Malathy

Viraj in Tamil Radical Politics

[Sun, 18 Aug 2024, 16:47 GMT]
Viraj MendisThe “radicalness” observable in Eelam Tamil Nationalist struggle ranges from centre-right all the way to radical left. It was only the launch of armed struggle that saw radical-left politics entering the Tamil Nationalist struggle. Prior to that Tamil radical politics was led by the Communist party centred on anti-caste movement. Armed struggle was partially successful in absorbing the anti-caste struggle but there were many elements in the anti-caste struggle that stood apart and watched the armed struggle with a very critical eye. Full story >>

Feature Article
2ND LEAD (Adds eBook PDF format)

JVP always denied Eezham Tamils’ inalienable self-determination: Anthropology scholar

[Sat, 21 Sep 2024, 16:12 GMT]
Athithan JayapalanThe JVP has recently lent itself to US efforts to consolidate the unitary state and realise its long-held ambition to capture state power in Colombo. In this regard, they have also engaged with a range of actors, from the IMF, Washington, and New Delhi, as well as attempted to woo Eezham Tamils and other Tamil-speaking people to opt for the NPP in the 2024 SL Presidential Elections. Norway-based Eezham Tamil anthropology scholar Dr Athithan Jayapalan writes that the NPP and Lionel Bopage speak of equality without addressing the right of an oppressed nation to secession in the face of national oppression and genocide. Instead, the NPP, aligned with the US position, vows to neutralise the Eezham Tamil political struggle for self-determination. Full story >>

‘பொதுச்சபை’ நகர்வை ‘சிவில் சமூக அமையம்’ தரும் படிப்பினைகளின் கண்கொண்டு நோக்குதல்

[Fri, 30 Aug 2024, 09:08 GMT]
இந்தியத் தேசிய பாதுகாப்பு ஆலோசகர்களாயிருந்த எம். கே. நாராயணன் (2005-2010), சீவ்சங்கர் மேனன் (2010-2014) இருவரின் கட்டளையேற்றுத் தடம்புரண்டிருந்த தமிழ்த் தேசியக் கூட்டமைப்பின் மூத்த தலைவரான காலஞ்சென்ற இரா. சம்பந்தனின் மூலோபாய அச்சுத் தவறிய அரசியலின் விளைவாக 2010 ஆம் ஆண்டில் தமிழ்த் தேசிய மக்கள் முன்னணி தோன்றியது. மறுபுறம், தேர்தல் அரசியலுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட சமூக முன்னெடுப்புகளாக ‘தமிழ் சிவில் சமூக அமையம்’, ‘தமிழ் மக்கள் பேரவை’ என்பவை 2013-2014 காலகட்டத்தில் தோன்றின. நாளடைவில், கட்சி அரசியல் உள்ளிட்ட பல காரணிகளால் அந்தச் சமூக முன்னெடுப்புகள் தேக்கமுற்றன. 2024 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஜனாதிபதித் தேர்தலில் ‘பொது வேட்பாளர்’ என்ற கருத்தை முன்வைத்து ‘தமிழ் மக்கள் பொதுச் சபை’ தொடக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. ‘எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் இந்தியாவை எதிர்பார்க்கவேண்டும்’ என்று சிந்திக்கும் இயக்குநர்கள் பின்னணியில் ‘ரிமோட் கொன்ரோல்’களாக மறைந்திருந்து முன்னெடுக்கும் பரிசோதனை என்ற விமர்சனத்தோடு இது ஆரம்பமாகியுள்ளது. Full story >>

Feature Article
Tribute by Athithan

Viraj Mendis: A beacon of international solidarity and a pillar in the Eelam-Tamil liberation struggle

[Sun, 18 Aug 2024, 21:23 GMT]
Viraj MendisComrade Viraj Mendis, arrived in the U.K in 1973 as a student and were there until he was forcefully deported by the British government to Sri Lanka in 1989. During the course of these years, Viraj developed ties with revolutionary movements in the U.K and advocated solidarity towards the liberation struggle of the Eelam-Tamils. Likewise, he spent his one year of deportation in Sri Lanka to work towards building solidarity for the LTTE and the Eelam-Tamils amongst the Sinhalese. His efforts created the conditions for the emergence of a small number of Sinhala revolutionaries who would follow his path towards embracing the Eelam-Tamil liberation struggle. These Sinhala revolutionaries would also over the course of the years be forced into exile and have since worked alongside Viraj. Full story >>

விராஜ் மெண்டிஸ் விட்டுச் செல்லும் நிரப்பவியலா இடைவெளி

[Sat, 17 Aug 2024, 12:15 GMT]
Viraj Mendis ஈழத்தமிழர் தேசிய விடுதலைப் போராட்டத்தின் உற்ற நண்பனாக மிக நீண்டகாலமாக, தனது சாவுப்படுக்கை வரையும், ஜேர்மனி நாட்டின் பிரேமன் நகரிலிருந்து தொடர்ச்சியாக இயங்கிவந்த விராஜ் மெண்டிஸ் ஈழத்தமிழர்களிடமிருந்து வெள்ளிக்கிழமை மாலை தனது 68 ஆவது வயதில் நிரந்தரமாக விடைபெற்றுவிட்டார். அவரது வலிய நெஞ்சுரத்தோடு இளகிய குழந்தை மனது எப்போதும் போட்டியிட்டுக்கொண்டிருக்கும். அதனாலோ என்னவோ மாரடைப்போடும் சாவோடும் பலமுறை போராடியவாறு தனது செயற்பாட்டை முன்னெடுத்துக்கொண்டிருந்தார் அவர். அவரின் இடையறா முயற்சியால் மக்கள் தீர்ப்பாயத்தின் மூன்று அமர்வுகள் உலகத் தளத்தில் நடந்துள்ளன. அவற்றில் இன அழிப்புக் குறித்த மிகத் தெளிவான தீர்ப்பு வெளியானதோடு, அமெரிக்க-பிரித்தானிய மேலாதிக்கம் எவ்வாறு தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் போராட்டத்தை அழிப்பதற்குக் காரணமானது என்பதைத் துணிகரமாக வெளிக்கொணரும் தீர்ப்பும் வெளியாகியது. அவரது அடுத்த கட்ட இலக்கு அர்த்தமுள்ள எதிர்ப்பியக்கத்தைக் கட்டுவதில் குறியாக இருந்தது. Full story >>


2001 Mar 18 18:58      Want of food said afflicting war traumatised ch...
2001 Mar 18 17:30      Lawyers slam Emergency, PTA wrongs
2001 Mar 18 14:40      TID arrests human rights lawyer
2000 Mar 18 20:23      Sinhala settlement plan derailed
2000 Mar 18 19:03      CARE launches Rs 64m rehabilitation project
2000 Mar 18 18:50      Deportation issue raised with German Envoy
2000 Mar 18 08:57      Policeman wounded in Jaffna
1999 Mar 18 23:38      SLA repairs damaged defences
1999 Mar 18 17:06      News in Brief:
1999 Mar 18 06:51      SLA starts operation towards Madhu
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Jaffna Medical College vacancies yet unfilled
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Mankulam battle continues
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Palmyrah palms become victims of EPDP
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Heavy SLA shelling displaces civilians - Radio
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Coverup of rape underway?
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Kfir bombs force thousands to flee
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Krishanthi case accused escape police custody
1998 Mar 18 23:59      Parents of the Missing die of grief
A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
1769-1821, French General, Emperor


Know the Etymology: 332
Place Name of the Day:
(332 of 500 revised)

Koyilā-maṉai/ Kōyilā-maṉai

The temple house; or the house of the temple servants


FIU of CBSL emerges as networked Intel outfit against Tamils in homeland, Diaspora: The so-called Financial Investigative Unit (FIU) of the Central Bank of the unitary State of genocidal Sri Lanka (CBSL), which is led by a Colombo-based ‘Sri Lankan’ Tamil, Indrajith Coomaraswamy, is scheming rigid controls on Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in the North-East with a ‘counter-insurgency’ role.
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Valentine's Day
Wives of enforced disappeared exposed to nightmare on Valentine's Day: At a stage event organised by the so-called Families of Disappeared (FoD) operated by Colombo based NGO and diplomatic community, Tamil women from the East were exposed to the traumatic experience of narrating their love stories with their husbands.
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SL harassment against resettled Tamils in Madu, Mannaar
STF, SL departments harass resettled Tamils in Madu: The guards and officials of various SL departments as well as the notorious commandos of the StF are repeatedly harassing the 300 resettled and poverty-stricken Eezham Tamils of Ira'ndaam-kaddai (2nd Mile Post), which is located between Madu Shrine and Sinhala militarised Madu Road Junction in Mannaar district.
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Sinhala Buddhicisation stepped up in Trincomalee North: SL Presidential Secretariat in Colombo is exerting pressure on Tamil Divisional Secretary not to interfere in the affairs of extreme Sinhala Buddhist monks, who are engaged in cultural genocide in Kumpu'rup-piddi in Trincomalee North.
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Champoor controversy
Colombo demonstrates ‘foremost place’ to Buddhism at Champoor: The SL Archaeology Department, extremist Sinhala Buddhist monks, Sinhala governor and his wife are all jointly working for Sinhala Buddhicisation of Champoor, where SL Navy, groomed by the U.S. Pacific Command under the notion of 'military-to-military' engagement, is having its training base for the marines of genocidal Sri Lanka.
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SL Army wages Sinhala-Buddhicisaton of Baron's Cap in Batticaloa Northwest: With the collaboration of ministries of Fisheries and Tourism, 232 Brigade of the Army of occupying Sri Lanka is Sinhalicising the Kudumpi-malai area of Batticaloa district.
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Gnanadas, Uru
Enduring psychological disaster of families of enforced disappeared conveyed through film: The story writer and director of the award winning short-film, Uru (Trance), 49-year-old Gnanadas Kasinathar, narrates the depth of psychological disaster as witnessed by him on the ground. The film, shot in Batticaloa, is inspired by the stories of long enduring sufferings of the enforced disappeared families.
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P. Ramasamy
Factoring political solution more important than addressing human rights: Not only did the Sri Lankan regime won the war against the Tamil liberation force, it might even win the propaganda war if the problems of Tamils in the island are exclusively focused on human rights to the neglect of the fundamental question of a long lasting political solution, commented Deputy Chief Minister of Penang state in Malaysia, Professor P. Ramasamy, told TamilNet on Monday.
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SL vision for 2025
SL constitutional discourse seen coupled with ‘Vision 2025’ policy of genocidal Sri Lanka: The World Bank, the IMF and the WTO are behind the agenda that seeks to permanently lock Eezham Tamils into a Colombo-centric single-unit of genocidal Sri Lanka. The interim report on the constitutional discourse should be seen coupled with ‘Vision 2025’, launched by the Agent State in Colombo in September 2017.
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Sathasivam Papers
Sathasivam papers on Sumerian-Tamil connections see the light of day: Four pioneering research papers on the Dravidian connections between ancient Sumerian and Tamil, written between 1964 and 1987 by Eezham Tamil scholar, the late Prof A Sathasivam, gain new significance today because of the current advancements in coupling linguistics with DNA studies.
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Quisling politics from the horse's mouth
Understanding ‘Quisling politics’ and facing it with ‘Navaratnam School of Thought’: Eezham Tamils should grasp the synthesis of the Colombo-centric Quisling politics, which is being brought into them by the global powers and regain their strength to address it through the school of thought embraced by enlightened leaders of Eezham Tamils in the past.
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Netherlands-funded CEPA project wages political ‘counter-insurgency’ on Tamils: Colombo-based NGO outfit, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), is tasked to recruit gullible and opportunistic sections of the diaspora expanding Rajapaksa-time ‘KP-Diaspora’ programme. The programme is funded by the foreign ministries of the USA, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland and Australia.
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Tamil Genocide Book
The Tamil Genocide by Sri LankaThe second edition with over 150 new pages traces the ongoing engagement in the Sri Lankan conflict of Professor Francis A. Boyle, an eminent American expert in international law, from the conflict’s last years to the present pursuit of UN recognition of the Tamil genocide and call for reparations. It is the first book to develop an authoritative case for genocide against the Government of Sri Lanka under international law. The book is available from Clarity Press, Amazon in soft cover or in Kindle version.
Durban Conference
South Africa to Singapore: global Tamils grasping geopolitics to act: The South African conference held in Durban has come out with many demands that are dear to the heart of Tamils, such as demilitarisation, stopping Sinhala colonisation, repeal of the 6th Amendment to facilitate free negotiation etc. But the slip was still showing when the conference avoided the term genocide. What was more ironical that betrayed the deception was the slogan of the conference organizers that called the country they want to salvage as ‘Sri Lanka’, boldly written in Tamil.
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1915 Anti-Muslim Pogrom
Tamil leadership need not shy away or react to unfair challenge coming from Sumanthiran: Eezham Tamil polity seeking pardon from Tamil-speaking Muslims should be unassuming, but it should come in an enlightening way to the edification of the Colombo-centric agenda or the powers-guided agenda, pursued in the past as well as in the present. Otherwise, it may only amount to conferring impunity to the State in Colombo and its abettors.
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Kathirgamathamby Kurunathan
Retired land commissioner of Eastern Province on Structural Genocide against Eezham Tamils: The systematic seizure of traditional lands belonging to the Tamil speaking people of the North-East have been widespread under the guise of archaeological, forest and wild-life conservations and subsequently carried out through the acts of demarcating these lands under the purview of the state apparatuses such as the Archaeological Department, Forest Department and the Wild-life Conservation Department, says retired Land Commissioner of the Eastern Province Karthirgamathamby Kurunathan, in an in-depth video interview to TamilNet.
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Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam
TNPF rejects ‘domestic investigations’ upheld by USA: The fact that the United States and the US Secretary of State John Kerry would consider the post January 08th 2015 situation in Sri Lanka, with the new government favourable, is understandable. But, for him to suggest that there is a favourable condition for the Tamils, is stretching too far, said Tamil National Peoples Front (TNPF) Leader Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, responding to a question from TamilNet.
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V. Thevaraj
Sivaram, Wigneswaran saw futility in convincing Sinhala polity: senior editor: The failure of Sivaram and his transfer into a staunch Tamil nationalist is analogical to the political course and current stand of the NPC Chief Minister, Mr C.V. Wigneswaran, said veteran Tamil journalist and editor, Mr. V. Thevaraj, addressing the 10th assassination anniversary meet of Sivaram held in Batticaloa on Wednesday.
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