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Pro-Karuna TNA candidate shot
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 30 March 2004, 02:40 GMT]
Batticaloa Tamil National Alliance candidate, Mr. Rajan Sathiyamoorthy, a close confidante of renegade LTTE commander Mr. V. Muraleetharan, was shot by unidentified gunmen at his residence in the eastern town Tuesday morning. The injured candidate was rushed to Batticaloa hospital, Police said. The Hospital director said that Mr.Sathiyamoorthy succumbed to his wounds after he was admitted to the hospital.
Mr. Sathiyamoorthy had been warned to withdraw from elections by anonymous callers since the weekend, Police sources said. The Karuna Group ordered all TNA candidates in Batticaloa to also urge their supporters to cast a personal preference vote Mr. Sathiyamoorthy. Two supporters who were present with the TNA candidate also received gunshot wounds.