Opposition candidate Lokubandara elected Speaker
[TamilNet, Thursday, 22 April 2004, 13:34 GMT]
Mr.W.J.M.Lokkubandara of the main opposition United National Front was elected Speaker of Sri Lanka's thirteenth parliament Thursday in the final round of re-poll by a one-vote margin. He polled 110 votes and his rival Mr.D.E.W.Gunasekara of the ruling party United People's
Freedom Alliance polled 109 votes, Secretary General of the Parliament, Ms. Priyani Wijesekara, announced Thursday at about 7:25 p.m.

Mr.Lokubandara was the Law and Justice Minister in the United National Front government from December 2001 to January 2004, sources said Sri Lanka's parliament has 225 members. Two of the seven Bhikku parliamentarians of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) who had abstained in the earlier three rounds of voting had voted in the final round for the first time, parliamentary media sources said. According to the sources, the two JHU Parliamentarians are Venerable Omalpe Sobitha and Venerable Athurakriya Ratana.