Tamil author writes on Third world's financial woes
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 22 June 2004, 00:49 GMT]
The release of research book "Monetary Exploitation" written in English by Tamil scholar Mr.A.R.Arudpragasam took place in Trincomalee Town Hall Sunday evening with the Jaffna University Vice Chancellor Professor C.Mohanadas as the chief guest.
Professor Mohanadas hands over the first copy of "Monetary Exploitation" to Mr.N.Krishnananthan, Director of Management Development Training Department of the North East Provincial CouncilMr.Arudpiragasam says in the preface "this book is the result of a search for solutions to
eradicate poverty, and to resolve humanitarian issues of
inequality and human indignity through sustainable
development. The realization of this objective calls for radical review of theories, notions and instruments that assert a growing influence on economic and social progress of societies."
Jaffna University Vice Chancellor Professor Mohanadas speaking at the event |
Professor Mohanadas said there are eight faculties in the Jaffna University and three of them deal with the teaching of finance and other related subjects. The book on "Monetary Exploitation" is useful not only to academics but also to students interested in the economics. With the collapse of Marxism, globalization leaves third world countries to be monetarily exploited, he said. "We now tread on a new path to achieve peace. But permanent peace cannot be achieved without freedom ensured in the sphere of socio-economy," said Professor Mohanadas. Mr.R.T.Ramachchandran presided. Mr.Arudpiragasam holds the post of the Director General of Global Sustainability Initiative based in Trincomalee. He has authored several books including "The Traditional
Homeland of Tamils."
Author Mr.Arudpiragasam with his book on "Monetary Exploitation"