Nagarkovil students massacre remembered
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 22 September 2004, 16:19 GMT]
The 9th death anniversary of 40 people, including 26 students, who were
killed on 22nd September 1995 in an aerial attack by the Sri Lanka Air
Force (SLAF) on the Nagarkovil Maha Vidiyalayam was observed Wednesday
at the Puloly Roman Catholic School in the Vadamaradchi division in Jaffna
district, education sources said.
The Nagarkovil M.V. is functioning
temporarily in Puloly Roman Catholic School since the attack.
Principal of the school, Mr.S. Mahendran, presided.
At the commencement of
the meeting, Vadamaradchchi Head of Education Board, Mr S.Athithan lit the
common flame of sacrifice. Vadamaradchchi Zonal Director of Education, Mr.
V.T.Selvaretnam and Mr.E.Kugan of International Tamil Students Federation
participated in the event, sources said.
The names and ages of the 26 students died in the SLAF aerial attack are:
Tharmalingam Usanthini (13), Markandu Nagalogini (10), Thamotharam
Sakunthala (12), R. Regina (11), Pologarajah Thushanthini (14), Ravindran
Amirtha (10), Balachandran Rajitha (10), Navaratnasamy Umathevy (12),
Suntharalingam Palani (15), Suntharalingam Tharsini (14), Kugasaravanamalai
Tharsini (13), Rajeev Gandhi Venu (11), Krishnagopal Thavaseelan (13),
Rajaratnam Kavitha (10), Nagamutthu Senthilvel (15), Alfonse
Amalaviji(14),Mahalingam Sanmugavadivelan(16),R. Sumithra(10),K.
Methini(14),Navamany Mithura(14), Sellam(15),Ragavan(16),Thangarasa
Vasanthakumar(06),Mylvaganam Gananathan(14),Ranjithkumar Rajitha(11).