Tamils celebrate Pirapaharan's 50th birthday
[TamilNet, Friday, 26 November 2004, 11:53 GMT]
Tamil people in the NorthEast and countries across the world are celebrating the 50th birthday of the Leader of Liberation Tigers, Velupillai Pirapaharan, Friday, 26 November. There were special prayers in churches and temples. Pirapaharan has led the Tamil struggle through three Eelam wars since he founded Tamil New Tigers in 1972, at the age of 18, and later renamed the organisation as Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1976.
Widely regarded as an accomplished political strategist and military tactician even by his opponents, Pirapaharan emerged as the Tamil National Leader through 32 years of liberation struggle.
Annually he outlines the policy of his movement in his annual speech that falls on Martyrs Day Saturday.
Sources close to the LTTE said that their head office was receiving greetings wishing the LTTE leader's 50th birthday from across the North East, South and from the Tamil diaspora.
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International Federation of Tamils, a consortium of expatriate Tamil organizations based in Geneva, issued a press release on this occasion. Fulltext of the press release follows:
"The International Federation of Tamils, IFT, proudly joins hands with
the Tamils, spread the world over, in felicitating Hon. Velupillai
Pirapakaran, the national leader of Tamil Eelam, on the occasion of
his fiftieth birth day, expressing solidarity with him.
From time immemorial, according to a belief that prevails among the
Eastern nations, a true leader will emerge to redeem his people,
during a period of ecliptical calamity. It becomes incumbent on the
people of that nation to distinguish the true, impeccable leader from
the selfish, opportunistic fakes. Any nation that expunges fakes and
follows the true leader in his struggle for emancipation, will be
triumphant in the end. The Bible and Indian epics bear testimony to
this belief. Whether we quote from the ancient history of the Jewish
nation that had its long march led by Moses, or from the modern
history of Lenin's Russia, Mao's China, Gandhi's India, Ho Chi minh's
Vietnam or Mandela's South Africa, it is clear that the people in
each of these countries had identified its leader and stood firm,
supporting him through thick and thin.
The people of Tamil Eelam, both at home and in exile, have identified
their genuine leader. They have entrusted into his care their future
and their destiny. The IFT, while saluting the national leader on
this occasion, commends the Tamil nation on its ingenuity in trusting
their leader.
Velupillai Pirapakaran who inculcated the spirit of Tamil Eelam into
the minds of his people, has gradually emerged as the indisputed
national leader of Tamil Eelam. Instilling the spirit of nationalism
in the hearts of Tamils across the world, he has come to be honoured
as the Tamil national leader.
It is natural for a dynamic leader to attract followers who
inevitably become his generals and soldiers in carrying out military
or peace missions. Tamil Eelam is blessed with these committed
followers, ready to serve its leader with his vision of building up
a nation, sharing harmony and peaceful co-existence in the region.
The IFT wishes the national leader and his followers well."