TNA condemns Vigneswaran killing
[TamilNet, Friday, 07 April 2006, 10:53 GMT]
Mr. Vigneswaran has been in forefront of several campaigns when rights of Tamil people in Trincomalee were suppressed, Tamil National Alliance said in a statement Friday. The TNA severely condemned the killing of Mr.Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, the president of Trincomalee District Tamil Peoples' Forum, that had taken place on Friday morning in front of the Trincomalee main branch of the Bank of Ceylon where he was working as an executive officer.
 Mr.Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, President of the Trincomalee District Tamil Peoples' Forum (TDTPF)
Mr.Vigneswaran, aged 51, was father of three children. As a key Tamil activist in Trincomalee, he has been in forefront of several peaceful campaigns when rights of Tamil people in Trincomalee town were suppressed. "The dastardly crime has taken place in daylight between two sentry points of the Sri Lankan troops and closer to the office of the Senior Superintendent of Police, Trincomalee harbor and the headquarters of the Eastern Command of the Sri Lanka Navy which is declared the high security zone," the TNA noted in the statement released by the Trincomalee district parliamentarian Mr.K.Thurairatnasinhgam.