ITAK administration in Trinco UC begins
[TamilNet, Thursday, 20 April 2006, 15:09 GMT]
Mr. S.Gowrimuhunthan of Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchchi (ITAK) Thursday took
oath as the Chairman of the twelve-member Trincomalee Urban Council and Mr.
Kanthasamy Selvarajah Vice-Chairman. Mr.K.Sivapalan, senior attorney-at-law
administered oaths to all the twelve members of the Trincomalee UC in Tamil
language at an event held in Trincomalee Town Hall in the presence of
religious leaders of all the four faiths, sources said.

Mr.Gowrimuhunthan takes oaths before Attorney-at-Law Mr.K.Sivapalan as Trinco UC Chairman.
Of the 12 members ten are from the ITAK and the rest two from Independent Group. Of the 12 councilors, nine are Tamils and three
Muslims. Of the three Muslims two are from the Independent Group and one from the ITAK and all are Tamil speaking, sources said.
Sivasiri Pon Sivakumarakurukkal, Venerable Mihindapura Mahindawanse Nayake Thera, Reverend Fr.George Dissanayake and Moulavi Ibrahim Rabsa blessed the
new elected administration of the Trincomalee UC.
Earlier ITAK councilors accompanied by Mr.K.Thurairatnasingham, Trincomalee
district parliamentarian visited places of worships of all faiths- Kali
Ambal Temple, Mosque, St.Mary's Cathedral and Buddhist Vihare in Buddhist
Centre in Trincomalee.
Mr.S.Vipulanandan, UC Secretary received the new Chairman Mr.
Gowrimuhunthan by garlanding him and thereafter other councilors by members
of the UC staff.
Mr. Gowrimuhunthan later hoisted the UC flag.

All 12 members with Attorney Mr.Sivapalan and UC Secretary Mr.Vipulanandan.

Newly elected councillors of Trincomalee UC participating in the inaugural event in Trinco Town Hall with parliamentarians Mr.Mavai Senatharajah and Mr.K.Thurairatnasingham.
Mr. Gowrimuhunthan thereafter delivered his address followed by Vice Chairman and councilors. Mr.Mavai Senathirajah, General Secretary of the ITAK and Jaffna district parliamentarian, Mr.K.Thurairatnasingham, Trincomalee district parliamentarian and Mr.K.Gunanathan, Regional Assistant Commissioner of Local Government spoke at the event.
Mr. Gowrimuhunthan, Mr.K.Selvarasa, Mr. K.Thurairasa, Mr. J.Pulendraraj, Mr.P.Muniyandy, Mr.K.Arulsevam, Mr. T.Karikalan, Mr.R.N.Varathan, Mr.A.H.Sahul Hameed and Ms Kanmany Amma Ratnavadivel of ITAK and Mr. Nahoor
Noor Mohamed and Mr. Farook Sultan took oaths.

Trinco UC newly elected members with religious leaders.