Newspaper delivery agent shot and killed in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 15 August 2006, 13:40 GMT]
Soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army fired at a delivery van of the Uthayan, the Tamil daily published in Jaffna district, at Puthur junction near Atchchuveli Tuesday around 11:00 a.m, killing the newspaper agent. The delivery van was on it's way after distributing parcels of Uthayan Tuesday issue during the relaxation period of curfew, civil sources said. The curfew in Valikamam sector was relaxed between 10:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m. In Vadamaradchi sector, the curfew was lifted from noon till 03:00 p.m.
The victim, the driver and the agent, was identified as Sathasivam Baskaran, 44. Mr. Sathasivam Baskaran is the fourth employee of the Uthayan newspaper to be slain in the recent past. One employee worked in Sudar Oli, sister paper of Uthayan was killed in Colombo and two others in Jaffna recently in its Jaffna office.