Tamileelam National Registry of Persons established
[TamilNet, Monday, 01 January 2007, 13:59 GMT]
The Civil Administration in Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) administered regions in NorthEast has launched Tamileelam National Registry of Persons on Monday, January 01. The programme was inaugurated by the Commissioner of Tamil Eelam Department of Registration of Persons, S Jeyenthiran, by issuing the first national identity card to LTTE leader Velupillai Pirapaharan. The card will function similar to the Social Security Number (SSN) used in many western democracies, where the number uniquely identifies an individual.
A Tamileelam national registration number is to be assigned to each person of the Tamil nation to strengthen the effectiveness of a computerized administration, S. Jeyanthiran, told TamilNet. The Registration Number will be used by the Tamileelam administration as the main index in most computerized administrative records of individuals including tax records, employee records, patient records, student records, and credit records. Officials of Sri Lanka Administrative service in Jaffna said that the Sri Lanka's National ID card is mainly used to identify, access entries in security related data, and has not been fully integrated with other administrative computerized data records.  LTTE leader receiving the first National Identity Card [Photo: LTTE]
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