LTTE confers Maamanithar award to Jeyakumar
[TamilNet, Saturday, 31 March 2007, 11:31 GMT]
Leader of Liberation Tigers, Velupillai Pirapaharan, conferred Maamaniathar (Great Humanbeing) award to Thillainadarajah Jeyakumar, 54, who died suddenly in Melbourne Australia on 29 March. Praised as the leading force behind the Australian Tamils Co-ordinating Committee for the last two decades, Jeyakumar is credited with uniting Australian Tamils towards supporting Tamil Eelam struggle and for his unwavering committment to help the Tamil people. Jeyakumar is from Vannarpannai in Jaffna, is married, and has one son.
 Thillainadarajah Jeyakumar
Translation of the full text of the letter released by the LTTE's head quarters follows: "We have lost today a great human being who worked relentlessly to support our struggle and leading the Australian Tamils Co-ordinating Committee for the last twenty years. The whole of Tamil Nation is mourning his death. Jeyakumar is a cultured human being. Honest and unselfish, he dedicated his life to serve his people. He is softspoken and had exemplary qualities. His innocent smile captivated all who came to know him. Jeyakumar is a patriot. Although he was based in Australia, he continued to deeply love the land of his birth. He strongly felt that the oppressive Sinhala leadership will never willingly offer a just solution to the Tamil people. His experiences convinced him that a separate state is the only way open to the Tamil people to live in peace with honor. His deep knowledge of our struggle, and clear vision for the future lit the flame of liberation in his consciousness. Across the oceans, beyond several continents, away from his homeland, Jeyakumar contributed the maximum possible by an expatriate Tamil towards the liberation of his homeland. He understood the political climate and the need to obey the law of the land of his adopted country and functioned diligently within this framework. He united the Australian Tamils to provide moral support and help to the people in his homeland. He set up institutional structures that will continue to strengthen diaspora engagement with the destiny of Tamil people in Northeast. Recognizing Jeyakumar's love for his land and his people, and his services to his community, I take great pleasure in awarding Maamanithar title to him. Death never destroys great men who lived to uphold truthful goals. They will forever live in the psyche of the Tamil Nation."