Tigers hand over 28 SLA bodies to ICRC
[TamilNet, Thursday, 24 April 2008, 10:52 GMT]
LTTE's NGO and U.N. Liaison Officer M. Pavarasan Thursday afternoon at 12:45 p.m. handed over 28 dead bodies of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers located by the Tigers in the Northern Front on Wednesday to ICRC representative Franche Roy at Ki'linochchi Central Playground. Tigers said there were still body parts and decomposed bodies lying in the no-man zone and provided identification details of 6 SLA soldiers in addition to the details of 14 SLA soldiers identification details provided on Wednesday.
The figures from Colombo reports indicate that 176 SLA soldiers were killed in action. Pro-opposition media reports in Colombo said 143 dead bodies of the SLA were brought to Colombo Wednesday. In addition, the SLA had admitted that 33 SLA soldiers were missing in action. Identification details of 6 SLA soldiers follow:
- S 5518500
O+ Rh 5 VIR (Company A)
- S 152147
B+ V E 5 VIR
- S 06602
- S 176993
- S 5122417
- S 172524
5 VIR O+ Kumarn
LTTE military spokesman Irasiah Ilanthiryan said 25 LTTE fighters were killed in the confrontation in Northern Front. The SLA officials in Thenmaraadchi handed over 6 dead bodies, of 3 females and 3 males, to the Sri Lankan police in Kodikaamam, stating that the bodies were of LTTE combatants. The bodies are kept in Jaffna hospital mortuary for identification.  LTTE hands over SLA dead bodies to ICRC
 LTTE hands over SLA dead bodies to ICRC
 LTTE hands over SLA dead bodies to ICRC
 LTTE hands over SLA dead bodies to ICRC