2ND LEAD (Correction)
Maheswari Velayutham shot dead in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 13 May 2008, 15:23 GMT]
Maheswari Velautham, an advisor of EPDP leader Douglas Devandanda, was shot and killed at her residence at Navi'ndil near Nelliyadi in Vadamaraadchi in Jaffna Tuesday around 6:30 p.m., initial reports from Jaffna said. Ms. Maheswari, whose association with Tamil militancy dates back to late 1970s, narrowly escaped from a group of Tamil prisoners who attacked Mr. Douglas Devananda when he visited Kalutara prison in June 1998 with her. She is a lawyer by profession.
 Maheswari Velayutham
The killing took place at her residence located in Keerippalli. Maheswari left Jaffna in early 80's and worked with TELO and with Mr. Kandasamy, the founder of TRRO. She was working with the Tamil Information Centre from 1983 and became in charge of the Madurai office of the TIC. Later, she became closely associated with the leader of the EPDP, a paramilitary-cum-political party, and was functioning in an advisory capacity. Her house in Jaffna is located in a high security area near a Military Intelligence camp.
Related Articles:30.06.98 EPDP leader critically injured