Tigers recover 12 SLA bodies after preemptive strike, 60 killed, 150 wounded
[TamilNet, Saturday, 20 December 2008, 16:03 GMT]
Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) counter-offensive units carried out a preemptive strike on Sri Lanka Army (SLA) offensive formation in Mu'rika'ndi - Ira'naimadu area Saturday, killing at least 60 SLA soldiers, LTTE officials told TamilNet. The SLA was pushed back 2 km, and the Tigers said they have recovered 12 dead bodies of SLA soldiers so far in the clearing mission, according to latest update from the LTTE officials in Ki'linochchi. More than 150 SLA soldiers were wounded in the counter operation, Tiger officials told TamilNet.
 Dead bodies of SLA soldiers [Photo: LTTE]
The preemptive strike was carried out as the SLA was preparing for another offensive push, according to LTTE officials. The first LTTE-claimed preemptive strike comes in the wake of SLA suffering three debacles within the last few weeks in Ki'linochchi. Meanwhile, the SLA and the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) have stepped up artillery and air attacks on civilian targets in Vanni.  Dead bodies of SLA soldiers [Photo: LTTE].
 Arms seized by the Tigers [Photo: LTTE]
 Arms seized by the Tigers [Photo: LTTE]
 [Photo: LTTE]
 [Photo: LTTE]
 [Photo: LTTE]