Tigers seize arms, recover 16 SLA bodies in A'lampil fighting
[TamilNet, Sunday, 28 December 2008, 03:05 GMT]
Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) officials said Sunday morning that at least 50 Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers were killed and 90 wounded in A'lampil area in Mullaiththeevu district on Saturday. The LTTE officials further said they seized more than 20 guns including 10 Light Machine Guns (LMGs) and 10 T-56 assault rifles, and recovered 16 SLA dead bodies in the clearing mission that followed.
Meanwhile, 15 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 30 wounded in nearby Uduppukku'lam village on Saturday, the Tigers said. The LTTE did not provide casualty figures of their side. One 81 LMG, eight AK LMGs, four Rocket Propelled Grenade Launchers (RPGs), two Light Anti-Tank Weapons (LAW), eight T56-2, two T-56 assault rifles, several ammunitions and military accessories were seized in the clearing mission, according to LTTE officials.  Tigers said they seized arms and ammunitions from the SLA [Photo: LTTE]
 Dead bodies of SLA soldiers from Mullaiththeevu district [Photo: LTTE]