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Eezham Tamil mandate picks up global momentum
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 03 November 2009, 12:47 GMT]
Spontaneous and parallel efforts to effect a global mandate of Eezham Tamils in proclaiming the desire for the creation of an independent and sovereign Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island of Sri Lanka are picking up momentum among the diaspora in several countries of the world, following a similar mandate in Norway last May. Eezham Tamils exercising their self-determination in democratically coming out with such a mandate is widely viewed in Tamil circles as a common basis for all shades of their national politics. This week, VN Music Dreams of Norway has released a song upholding the Tamil national mandate, in the music composed by Udhayaa and voiced by Krishnaraj for the lyrics of Vaseeharan.
Song on Tamil Mandate (Zipped MP3 file, 16 MB, download)The release of the song was announced by tamilmandate.org, a website initiated for global coordination of the mandate. The website that displays Norwegian experience of the mandate and provides link to UK initiative is expected to convene a global summit of independent committees engaged in organising the mandate in various countries to evolve a common web platform, the initiators of the website said. In the last couple of months the move to conduct the referendum is spearheaded by independent committees in UK, Canada, France, Germany, Denmark and Australia, besides others.
Related Articles:14.09.09 Documentation of Norwegian Tamil mandate released
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