SLA destroys remnants of Black Tiger Miller monument in Vadamaraadchi
[TamilNet, Monday, 05 July 2010, 16:02 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers totally destroyed the remnants of the first Black Tiger Miller memorial statue Sunday night on the eve of Black Tigers’ Day which falls on 5 July, sources in Vadamaraadchi said. The remnants destroyed were the dais on which Miller’s statue had stood and the stone memorial plaque erected in memory of Miller. SLA which is systematically obliterating all evidences of Liberation Tigers in the North hastily destroyed what remained of Miller’s memorial monument Sunday night.
SLA had completely destructed the Miller statue located in front of Nelliyadi Maththiya Mahaa Viththiyaalayam in Vadamaraadchi when it captured Vadamaraadchi during ‘Operation Liberation’ launched in 1996. The statue was reinstalled during the Cease Fire period of 2002 along with a new stone memorial plaque. When war broke again SLA had destructed the statue of Miller but the dais and memorial plaque had remained. This destruction of the last memorial remnants of Miller statue has caused shock and anger among the residents of Jaffna peninsula. Miller, the first Black Tiger of the Liberation Tigers, had died in his attack on the SLA camp in Nelliyadi Central College after SLA captured Vadamaraadchi in 1996.