Norway Tamil politician questions continued ICE bias against democratic mandate of Tamils
[TamilNet, Friday, 19 April 2013, 10:16 GMT]
Khamshajiny Gunaratnam, an Eezham Tamil youth politician of the ruling Labour Party in Norway, who states that her political engagement began with the agony of witnessing civil war in her homeland, questions the conduct of the world powers and the policy groups of the international community, for their continued bias against the democratically proven political mandate of Eezham Tamils, both in the island of Sri Lanka and in the diaspora. In a political column of the newspaper Dagsavisen, Ms Khamshajiny, a survivor of the brutal Utøya massacre carried out by the Norwegian killer Anders Breivik in 2011, also questions the conduct of the international community in leaving the responsibility of investigating the crimes committed by the Sri Lankan State to the very hands of that State, as seen in the recent resolution of the UN Human Rights Council in March 2013.
 Khamsajini Gunaratnam
Hinting that the recent student upsurge in Tamil Nadu was a response to the continued bias exercised by the international community, Ms Khamshajiny questions why the hesitation in calling for international investigations on the alleged crime of genocide against Eezham Tamils. The Sri Lankan State has adopted an assimilation process after the end of war, the Labour politician writes, citing the beginning from the SL State-run IDP camps after the war. She observes that the Sri Lankan policy is also depriving ethnic identity to even the districts [as expressed in LLRC] and the SL State is again adopting the ‘Sinhala Only’ policy in a different way [Tri-lingual Sri Lanka in 2020 as the LLRC states]. The International Crisis Group has been biased against the formation of independent State, Khamshajiny writes the column, questioning whether the hesitation by the powerful States and the policy groups in calling for international investigations on genocide is because they don’t want to admit that the natural remedy outcome would be the formation of an independent State based on the Tamils Right to Self-Determination.
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