IMF agenda, new SL Finance Minister to manipulate Diaspora Tamils
[TamilNet, Sunday, 04 June 2017, 23:12 GMT]
The advisors of the International Moneteray Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were instrumental in allowing the genocidal State of Sri Lanka to wage the onslaught on Vanni in 2009. This was clearly exposed by an email exchange dated 04 May 2009, which was between the then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and one of her key political consultant Burns Strider. The same IMF has now determined who is to be the Finance Minister in the island. This is part of an unwritten and unspoken condition from the deliberations between the IMF and the genocidal State as part of a three-year Extended Fund Facility arrangement, informed circles in Colombo told TamilNet this week. As part of the secret deliberations, the Colombo Establishment was under extreme pressure from the external quarters attached to the IMF to install Mangala Samaraweera as Finance Minister.
Mangala Samaraweera was earlier SL Foreign Minister, serving the interests of foreign Establishments to bring about a regime change and enabling the West to make strategic inroads into the island.
The UNP Establishment, which was expected to serve the strategic interests of the West, has in fact been resuming trade related and geopolitical maritime-route related links with China.
Despite Indian PM Narendra Modi being promoted to intervene by the same quarters concerned of Colombo's increasing ties with China, there was also the other plans. The visit of Narendra Modi in May was timed with the IMF discourse, the sources further revealed.
In parallel to the same discourse, there are about three quarters of the agencies operating in the island work in tandem to weaken the role of Northern Provincial Chief Minister Justice C.V. Wigneswaran.
Informed Tamil circles reveal CM's influence has already been marginalised.
Apart from the fact that the CM lacks articulation of time-needed ideological foundations concerning the Eezham Tamil cause to overcome the challenges, there are serious international cum agent-State efforts to diplomatically challenge the awakening among Eezham Tamils, sources working for the course-correction of the Tamil National Alliance said.
The three quarters have been identified as a Colombo-based NGO outfit, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Mano Ganesan's so-called National Secretariat For Non Governmental Organizations and a deviatory group of former EROS-LTTE orientation.
The latter was earlier identified as ‘KP-Diaspora’ programme during the times of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa's political ‘counter-insurgency’. This group has been linked with certain ‘advisors’ of the TGTE and former fundraisers of the KP times (KP stands for Kumaran Pathmanathan. But his current role in the programme is not known).
Interestingly, all the three networks are involved in deceiving sections of Tamil diaspora, particularly those who were directly and indirectly involved in the TGTE, GTF and Norwegian Council of Eezham Tamils (NCET). The collaborators in the expanded Diaspora-programme, particularly those from Norway, hail from the health sector.
The funding role of Norwegian Embassy in Colombo, which is being run by the Royal Norwegian Foreign Ministry in Oslo and active programme promotion by an institution of the University of Oslo and academic personalities with Social Anthropology background, comes after a ‘high level’ attempt promoted by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry and Ram Manikkalingam was
thwarted last year by the firm stand taken by five key Tamil organisations in Norway.
A similar political ‘counter-insurgency’ programme has been launched in Switzerland targeting to curb certain Tamil activists who were involved in Tamil sovereignty-centered democratic struggle.
The involvement of Mano Ganesan in the deceptive programmes in the North-East and in the diaspora also comes as UNP-installed SL Minister of ‘Prison Reforms, Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Hindu Religious Affairs’ D.M. Swaminathan has completely lost his credibility. None of the efforts by Mr Swaminathan to quench the continuous protests in the North-East have succeeded.
The forces aligned with IMF-agenda are therefore now seeking to isolate the NPC Chief Minister Justice C.V. Wigneswaran.
A team of Tamil activists involved in course-correcting the Tamil National Alliance in the island have urged Tamil activists in the homeland and in the diaspora to be vigilant about the IMF operations and the parallel Colombo-centric operations of the networks seeking to lock Tamils into the same discourse that led to their genocide and is leading to the structural genocide.
The diaspora-hijack agenda is now articulated through various members of the same bandwagon that facilitated the Eezham Tamil genocide.
Now, the focus of the agenda is to use the gullible and opportunistic sections of the Tamil diaspora to facilitate the entry and consolidation of the interests of the bandwagon in the island, without conceding anything fundamental to the nation of the victims.
Already, the genocidal Sri Lanka model is successfully deployed in other parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia.
The hijacked Tamil diaspora will only be setting another global model on engineering genocide-based State order envisaged by elements of planet monopolism.
Stateless Tamils cannot make an international impact, so the model could be easily set through them is perhaps the thinking.
There is always an accusation and mockery coming from the Sinhala nation that Tamils in the island helped the administration of British colonialism and later had the mental orientation to look upon the following neocolonialism, ultimately to see their own doom executed by the same forces they supported.
Now, the accusation and mockery may come not only from the Sinhalese, but also from many other peoples of the world, if the Tamil diaspora, getting nothing substantial and righteous, becomes agent-victims of the forces of planet monopolism that succeeds colonialism and neocolonialism.
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