Tigers say resume advance
[TamilNet, Sunday, 07 November 1999, 11:31 GMT]
After a brief lull the Liberation Tigers have launched large scale attacks on the Sri Lanka Army positions in Pallamadu and Paalampiddy on the eastern sector of the Mannar District said LTTE sources in London today. They said Omanthai, about 13 km. north of Vavuniya, has also come under heavy artillery attack.
SLA sources said earlier that its troops had launched an offensive on three flanks to stall the Tigers’ advance. However LTTE sources in London denied this. An LTTE official in London said “after resting a day, yesterday, the LTTE fighters are moving southwards from areas captured recently.” The Liberation Tigers said in a press release yesterday, after capturing the strategic town of Puliyankulam, the northern garrison town Vavuniya has become “exposed” . Residents in Vavuniya when contacted by TamilNet said, the government troops in the town have been firing shells towards Omanthai. The reports could not be independently verified as journalist are not allowed in to war zones. Sri Lankan Government imposed a strict press censorship this morning on military related news.
Related Articles:07.11.99 SLA launches offensive to stall Tigers