Tigers say Thallady forward defence overrun
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 24 November 1999, 07:04 GMT]
The Liberation Tigers said this afternoon they captured a key forward defence locality of the strategic Thallady base on the island's northwestern coast. The defences of the Sri Lankan army (SLA) in Seththukkulam were overrun by the fighting units of the Tigers which have been advancing towards the Thallady base and the Mannar- Vavuniya highway in the latest phase of Operation Unceasing Waves III, according to a special news update by the Voice of Tigers this noon.
Seththukkulam (Mud Tank) is in the vicinity of the ancient Tamil pilgrimage centre of Thiruketheeswaram. The SLA captured this area in 1991 in an operation code named Green Belt to augment and strengthen the peripheral defences of the Thallady base. The temple was also brought within the forward defences of the base at the time. The Tigers said that the Manthai North Assistant Government Agent's (AGA) Division, Manthai West AGA division and Madhu have come under their control. The said that their troops pressing on with the attack on Thallady.