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Tamil man killed, Sinhala Army opens fire at motorbike rider at Mukamaalai in North

[TamilNet, Saturday, 20 June 2020, 23:53 GMT]
Occupying Colombo’s Sinhala soldiers opened fire at a 24-year-old Tamil man, who didn’t stop his motorbike when the SL Army stopped him at Mukamaalai in Pazhai in Ki'linochchi district on Saturday evening. The victim, Nakarasa Ramakrishnan, was seriously wounded with four gunshots hitting his head and neck, the residents said. Then, the SL soldiers denied transportation to medical treatment for the seriously injured man for one hour, resulting in his death on the way to the hospital. In the meantime, SL Police was trying to twist the incident as something that happened when Mr Ramakrishnan attempted to grab the weapon of an SL Army soldier. A total lie, the villagers claim. The gunshots were fired targeting the victim’s head when he failed to stop, they said. The incident has occurred 300 meters away from A9 Highway near the war-time Forward Defence Line.
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Remembrance event urges Tamils to own justice project, establish genocidal intent of Sinhala state

[TamilNet, Monday, 18 May 2020, 07:11 GMT]
0The UN and the West, adopting a “soft approach” towards the “Sinhala state” have not only paved the way for diluting the gravity of its crimes. They also emboldened the SL State to wage unabatedly its post-2009 “structural genocide” against Tamils in the North-East, said the declaration of the main May 18 Remembrance event, held at Mu'l'livaaykkaal on Monday. One of the lessons learnt by the Tamils was that they must be careful in trusting anyone, who portray themselves as the saviours of Tamils. Demanding justice for the genocide must be a mechanism to pursue the cause of Tamil national question, especially by “proving the intent of the genocide,” the statement read by Fr Leo Armstrong proclaimed. Around three-hundred Eezham Tamils braved the seven-layered SL military blockade in their resolve to mark the eleventh May 18 Remembrance and Awakening Day against Tamil genocide emotionally.
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Politics of statements failing to call a spade a spade

[TamilNet, Monday, 30 March 2020, 21:51 GMT]
The latest presidential pardoning of a massacre-convicted SL Army soldier is an outcome of the Mahawansa mindset, which is the ideology triggering the specific intent (Dolus Specialis) for Tamil genocide. In the chosen island of “Sri Lanka,” it is the genocidal Mahawansa doctrine that ultimately determines the delivery of justice as well as sustaining the unitary character of the state. Any roadmap, which seeks to improve the Colombo-centric system through gradual reforms without reconfiguring the underlying state structure in the first place, only paves the way for reversing even the cosmetic outcomes of the concerned deceptive progress. Those who contribute to such an experiment, directly or indirectly — even if they intend to disprove the approach through partaking in it — are complicit in sophisticated genocide denial as long as they are not prepared to call a spade a spade.
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Phil Miller’s work reveals British role in dividing Tamils and Muslims in East: Dr Malathy

[TamilNet, Sunday, 15 March 2020, 18:46 GMT]
Dr. N. MalathyThe British mercenary outfit Keenie Meenie Services (KMS), made up mostly of ex-SAS personnel, and serving the ‘anglophile’ SL President, the late Richard Junius Jayewardene by secretly training the Sinhala Special Task Force (STF) commandos against the armed struggle of Eezham Tamils back in the 1980s. The STF advised by the KMS on divide-and-rule and use of religion, recruited Tamil-speaking Muslims to commit massacres. All of this was done with full awareness of the British government, which too was worried about the solidarity between the Tamils and the Muslims, writes New Zealand based Dr N.Malathy in her book review on the recent book by UK-based Phil Miller. “Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes,” is making this vital revelation, writes the Tamil diaspora survivor of SL State’s 2009 genocidal onslaught on Eezham Tamils in Vanni.
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SL military, police suppress traces of officer involved in fatal accident

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 04 June 2019, 19:02 GMT]
The occupying Sinhala military and the police are trying to suppress photographic traces of a fatal accident as well as exerting pressure on the family of the 67-year-old victim who was killed on the spot in the accident caused by the speeding vehicle, which was driven by an officer-rank SL Army person. The accident took place in front of Nedungkea'ni Maha Viththiyaalayam school on Sunday around 7:00 pm in Vavuniyaa North. The driving officer was wearing a green military uniform, eyewitnesses said. The victim, Kanapathippillay Perampalam, was on his way to buy short eats for his grandchildren. He was on a bicycle.
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Tamil Genocide Remembrance marked in geostrategic Pacific islands of Okinawa, Jeju

[TamilNet, Friday, 24 May 2019, 17:26 GMT]
0The people of the Island of Okinawa, located between Japan and Taiwan in the East China Sea of the Pacific, marked the tenth Tamil Genocide Remembrance in two separate events reflecting their resistance to the protracted geopolitical militarisation of the islands in the Indo-Pacific. In 1945, almost one hundred thousand civilians along with an equal number of Imperial Japanese Army soldiers and 12,000 US military personnel perished as the USA went on capturing Japan’s southernmost island in one of the bloodiest amphibious invasions in the modern history. Around 30,000 US troops are now stationed there with a changed focus towards China. The grassroots movement among the Okinawan population is strongly opposed to their island being continuously militarised. Mu’l’ li-vaaykkaal Remembrance events were also held in Kyoto, Japan, and on the strategic Jeju island off the Korean peninsula.
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Ex NPC councillor vows to mark genocide remembrance at 21 places before 18 May

[TamilNet, Sunday, 12 May 2019, 22:26 GMT]
0Former Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member and ex-TNA parliamentarian M.K. Shivajilingam has vowed to mark Tamil Genocide Week from 12th to 17 May at 21 places across the eight districts in the North and East before taking part in the tenth year marking of 2009 Tamil Genocide Day on 18 May at Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal. “We have chosen 21 places where the SL military was committing genocidal acts. It is like the 21-gun salute, the highest respect paid to those who sacrificed their lives,” Mr Shivajlingam, a political leader of TELO said. After inaugurating the first event at Kappaladi along the coast near Mu'l'livaaykkal on Sunday, he blamed the SL State for detaining the student leaders in Jaffna and for harassing himself describing the moves as aiming to suppress the 10th Tamil genocide remembrance on 18 May.
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Tamils mark Shivaratri at base of hill seized by SL Archaeology Department in Trincomalee

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 05 March 2019, 19:42 GMT]
The uprooted families of the ancient Tamil village of Thennai-maravadi in the northern Trincomalee marked a Pongkal feast on Monday at the base of Kanthasaami-malai. The ritual was staged in objection to the Archaeology Department of the unitary state genocidal Sri Lanka, which was refusing to allow the people to access the temple of their folk-deity, Murukan, at the top of the hill where they used to observe Shivaratri in the past. The move comes amidst tension prevailing at Thirukkoa'nesvaram temple in Trincomalee where the SL Archaeology Department and Sinhala colonisers have desecrated the statue of Sivalingam, which was put up along the pathway to the temple on the occasion of Shivaratri festival. Colombo is trying to convert the hilltop of Kanthasaami-malai into a Buddhist temple, the uprooted Tamils said.
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Speeding SL military truck claims lives of three Tamils on A9 highway

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 08 January 2019, 18:43 GMT]
0Three Tamil passengers riding a three-wheeler including its driver were killed on the spot when a speeding truck of the occupying Sinhala military crashed into the vehicle on Tuesday afternoon. The fatal incident has taken place on the A9 highway at Iyak-kachchi, north of Elephant Pass in Ki'linochchi district. Eyewitnesses said that a group of military soldiers rushed to the spot in a pickup vehicle immediately after the accident and transported the Sinhala military driver that seemed drunk away from the locality. By the time when the SL Police came, another SLA soldier had taken his place. The SL military started to claim that the wrong driving of the auto-driver had caused the accident.
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New Delhi owes a public apology on Jaffna Hospital massacre

[TamilNet, Sunday, 21 October 2018, 19:04 GMT]
Thirty-one years have elapsed, but the Indian state is yet to tender a public apology to Eezham Tamils for its brutal massacre of more than 60 civilians, including 21 doctors, nurses and other medical staff as well as the warded patients at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital in one of the brutal massacres witnessed in the history of Jaffna. The killings took place during the invading Indian military was at war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1987. The war crimes committed by the IPKF on the soil of Eezham Tamils have not been adequately investigated, said the medical staff who marked the 26th year of the massacre committed by the so-called Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF).
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Skulls with bullet-like holes excavated in Mannaar mass grave, women and children among victims

[TamilNet, Thursday, 19 July 2018, 23:22 GMT]
0Human skeletons of massacred people including children and women embracing each other have emerged in the 37 day-long excavations of the brutal massacre site discovered at the entrance to the Tamil-speaking city of Mannaar island, which has been under the control of the Sinhala military. There was no doubt the slain victims were subjected to a brutal massacre, said an excavator on condition of anonymity. The excavators have discovered gunshot holes in the skulls. A young person's skeleton was found along with the skeleton of an embracing adult, visibly exposing the brutality of the massacre. So far, the unearthed skeletal remains give a head count of 29. However, the extent of the killing field is still expanding, possibly reaching out of the premises.
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Militarisation of pre-schools akin to child soldiering: NPC Education Minister

[TamilNet, Sunday, 08 April 2018, 23:28 GMT]
The militarisation of pre-schools is a form of child soldiering, Northern Provincial Council Minister of Education K. Sarwesvaran told TamilNet in an interview this week. Out of 12 educational zones coming under the NPC, there are SL army run pre-schools in 6 zones. There 294 schools with 553 teachers with 6,020 children. Sarwesvaran has once again demanded Colombo government to hand over the administration of the SL military-run preschools in Vanni to the civil administration under the NPC. The NPC Education Minister characterised the military operation of pre-schools as a serious crime on the part of the SL Defence Ministry and the SL Government. They are upbringing the [Tamil] children under their [Sinhala] military culture, discipline, philosophy and thoughts, he said.
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CBK's so-called reconciliation faces acid test from North

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 31 October 2017, 16:21 GMT]
“There are 150000 soldiers in the Northern Province. It is amusing that the Attorney General wants to protect three State Witnesses by transferring the case from Vavuniya to Anuradhapura,” said Northern Provincial Council Chief Minister and former Supreme Court Judge C.V. Wigneswaran in a letter addressed to former SL President Chandrika Kumaratunga Bandaranaike (CBK), who is the Chairperson of Colombo's so-called ‘Office for National Unity and Reconciliation’ urging the latter to intervene and transfer the cases of fasting Tamil political prisoners back to Vavuniyaa or to Jaffna High Court. “Your intervention, Madam Chandrika, at this point of time would ensure understanding and good will among our people if you choose to be empathetic,” Justice Wigneswaran wrote in his letter to CBK.
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New Sinhala police station disturbs peace in resettled Vadamunai, Batticaloa

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 02 August 2017, 22:25 GMT]
0Some normalcy returned to Vadamunai village situated 65 km northwest of Batticaloa city two years ago when the occupying Sinhala military vacated its military camp, which was situated at a building of the Irrigation Department, which was located on the left bank of Vadamunai tank. Resettled Tamil women were continuously harassed by the Sinhala soldiers stationed at the irrigation building whenever the women went to the tank for water and bathing needs. A few days ago, a Sinhala policemen have stationed at the locality, causing trauma and fear among the resettled villagers. The Tamil people living in the interior village of Batticaloa district, is a border village to Polonnaruwa district of North Central Province. The survivors from Vadamunai village, who witnessed one of the brutal massacres, Mayilanthanai massacre in 1992, only managed to resettled back during the times of the LTTE.
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Judge Ilancheliyan narrowly escapes assassination attempt in Jaffna

[TamilNet, Saturday, 22 July 2017, 13:58 GMT]
0Jaffna High Court Judge Manickavasagam Ilancheliyan narrowly escaped assassination attempt at Nalloor in Jaffna around 5:10 p.m. on Saturday. Two guards giving security to him sustained injuries in the incident. The judge, who was not injured, told TamilNet that the attacker seemed to be an experienced gunman. Judge Manickavasagam Ilancheliyan is well known for his independent judgements. He is also known to be not hesitating to rule against armed criminal elements that operate with the backing of the occupying SL military. The incident on Saturday has taken place at a time Nalloor temple is preparing for its annual festival which is scheduled to commence on coming Friday.
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STF deployed escalating tension in Vadamaraadchi after civilian shot and killed by SL Police

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 11 July 2017, 06:08 GMT]
0Two policemen of occupying Sri Lanka shot and killed a daily wage worker on Sunday in Jaffna while he was in a vehicle that was transporting illegally scooped sand. The SL policemen chasing the vehicle in their motorbike have intentionally fired targeting the youth who was seated on top of the sand load, the family said. The victim, 24-year-old Yogarajah Thinesh, had lost his father in the genocidal war and the family was dependent on him. He was looking after the family of his sister, who had also lost her husband in the war, the relatives said. Tension prevailed in Thunnaalai in Vadamaraadchi South-West on Sunday and Monday as the villagers were agitating against the SL police, demanding the killers to be identified and brought to justice. SL military and STF were preparing to cordon off and deploy a crackdown style arrest operation after the funeral on Tuesday, the residents alleged.
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Irish, Tamil, Sinhala activists expose British colonialism as root cause of their national conflicts

[TamilNet, Friday, 19 May 2017, 23:36 GMT]
Tamil Eelam mural at Belfast“Ireland and the Irish are no strangers to State oppression [...] Over 70000 Tamils were killed during the final phase of the last war [...] The World [establishments], in some instances, encouraged it,” said Joe Austin, the president of the National Graves association at the Mu'l'livaaykkaal Remembrance Day in the north of Ireland on Friday. He was addressing a workshop participated by Irish activists, Eezham Tamil survivors of genocide such as Tamilvani who was featured in the documentaries by the Channel 4 and exiled Sinhala activists. Rev Fr M V E Ravichandran, a civil society activist from Jaffna, also participated in the event. Sinn Féin politician Pat Sheehan said people should not look at the conflict in Ireland through the prism of colonialism. The conflict in Ireland is about Colonialism, he said. Professor Jude Lal explained how the Colonialism formed the genocidal SL State.
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32nd anniversary of Vaddakka'ndal genocidal massacre commemorated

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 31 January 2017, 23:24 GMT]
Northern Provincial Council (NPC) Chief Minister, Justice C.V. Wigneswaran on Monday joined hands with NPC Opposition Leader Sinnadurai Thavarajah of the EPDP and the people of Vaddak-ka'ndal in Mannaar, commemorating 32nd anniversary of the genocidal massacre of 88 Eezham Tamils, who were shot and butchered to death in execution-style and by 300 Sinhala soldiers who had surrounded the village from all directions in the early hours of 30th January in 1985. Farmers, labourers, students, teachers and a school principal were among the massacred at various places in the village. The SL military had been wantonly targeting Tamil villagers in Mannaar for more than a month since 04 December 1984, when the Tamil Tigers carried out an ambush on an armoured vehicle of the SL military at Moon'raam-piddi, a village located on Mannaar - Jaffna Road.
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Kashmiris step up sovereignty struggle braving New Delhi’s militarization

[TamilNet, Sunday, 23 October 2016, 22:20 GMT]
On 08 July 2016, Indian military which occupies the portion of the Kashmir region administered by India, killed a militant Kashmiri commander of Hizbul-ul-Mujadaheen (HM) group, Burhan Wani, along with two of his fighters. Kashmiri people in the Valley have responded with protests in the aftermath of the killings, after a call for general strike from the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and both the factions of umbrella organisation Hurriyat Conference (HC). Defying the curfew enforced by New Delhi, thousands of Kashmiris attended the funeral and demonstrations were stepped up throughout the valley in the following days. The Indian military responded with deploying further violence, killing at least 19 civilians in clashes over the first weekend that followed. The number of Kashmiris who have been killed in two months long Kashmiri uprising stands over 90 with thousands injured.
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SL military, Buddhist monk bring Sinhala ‘War Heroes’ project to Batticaloa

[TamilNet, Sunday, 25 September 2016, 23:27 GMT]
The so-called ‘Ranaviru Seva Authority’ (War Heroes Welfare Authority), an outfit operated by the Defence Ministry of genocidal Sri Lanka to support the families of war-dead soldiers and the wounded soldiers of the occupying Sinhala military has expanded its work to Batticaloa in close association with the Sinhala extremist monk Venerable Ampitiye Sumanarathna Thera, informed civil sources in the city of Batticaloa said. The main intention is to bring in poverty-stricken families of ‘Sinhala war heroes’ to occupy the country of Eezham Tamils through so-called ‘welfare settlements’ in the Tamil-speaking district.
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