TamilNet[TamilNet, Sunday, 09 October 2005, 14:36 GMT]TamilNet is an independent and not-for-profit newswire service that provides up to date news with Tamil perspective on issues concerning Tamil people in the island of Sri Lanka. Receiving on average half a million visits per month, it has developed into a mainstream news source on issues pertaining to the Sri Lankan conflict. The organisation, with specific requirements and expectations of a professional institution, is embarking a project journey of transformation into an institution with dedicated resources to cope with the development needs of a state of the art newswire. Established in June 1995 as an electronic mailing list, TamilNet has emerged into a newswire service with dedicated reporters, special correspondents and feature writers since it launched its web based newswire service on 07 June 1997. Since then, TamilNet has progressively expanded its reporter network with the aim of presenting an accessible and credible coverage concerning the developments on the ground, specially in the NorthEast of the island. While TamilNet's reporters, photographers, special correspondents and feature writers on the ground receive monthly payments based on their performance, its global copy desk, contributing writers, editors and the technical infrastructure have been managed and funded by volunteers. Although TamilNet addresses the issues from a Tamil perspective, its reporting is built on a foundation of verifiable facts. Widely regarded as a credible news source, TamilNet features News Updates, News Features, Interviews and Photo Features. TamilNet reports and photos are used by several local and foreign media. TamilNet's searchable and browsable index of news reports since June 1997 is a valuable repository for those who seek information from the past. Primary sources of income have been Private Donors and Project Funding. Salary expenses on the ground, ranging from $1500-$1800 per month throughout the years since the establishment have been covered by private sponsors. Expanding & Enhancing TamilNet Apart from the financial needs, TamilNet is also in need of contributing resources to its copy desk in the form of translation, assistance, development of supportive tools and valuable comments, input and feedback. TamilNet invites well wishers' to donate, contribute and participate making the transformation and expansion possible. TamilNet is determined to create ways to recognize and motivate those who are really putting forth the efforts in this endeavor. We strongly believe that recognition is extremely important in a not-for-profit endeavor and we keep record of each and every single Donor Contribution and Voluntary Contribution. Details of Donor Contributions accumulated over time will be published according to the following giving levels for recognition, unless donors wish otherwise.
TamilNet will also ensure that such records and recognition are kept accurate.