Sivarathiri celebrations in Trinco Konesar Temple
[TamilNet, Friday, 20 February 2004, 14:33 GMT]
As part of the 'Maha Sivarathiri day' (whole night vigil) celebrations, the chief deity of the historic Trincomalee Koneswaram Temple, Lord Konesar and his consort are being taken in a three day-procession in Trincomalee town following the Sivarathiri day. The procession commenced Thursday evening and now continuing second day Friday.
Children of the Anpu Illam (Orphanage) in Trincomalee singing thevarams and leading the Lord Konesar procession from Koneswaram temple, Thursday evening.
The entire town is decorated and cutouts of Lord Shiva are erected in important junctions. The procession will conclude on Sunday morning, temple sources said. The first day procession, which went through Ehambaram Road, Thirukdaloor and several roads in Orr's Hill area, arrived at Trincomalee Sivan Temple Friday early morning.
The second day procession commenced from Trincomalee
Sivan Temple Friday evening around seven. Traders including several sinhalese traders Thursday received the chief deity Lord Konesar in front of their business establishments along Ehambaram Road and dashed hundreds of coconuts to fulfill their vows. On Sivarathiri day devotees observe whole night vigil, fast the whole day, meditate, pray and sing religious songs.
The chief deity Lord Konesar enters Trincomalee town from the Fort Frederick which was built by the Portuguese with the ruins of historic Koneswaram temple destroyed by them in 1624.
Lord Konesar in a decorated vehicle.
Sinhala traders smash coconuts in front of Lord Konesar procession.