Tamil New Year Day to be held in Vavuniya
[TamilNet, Monday, 12 April 2004, 17:13 GMT]
A provincial level Tamil New Year Day celebration organized
by the North East Provincial Education and Cultural Ministry in
collaboration with the Vavuniya Suththananda Hindu Young Men Association, called in Tamil as " SITHIRAPAVAI," is to be held in Vavuniya on April 16th, sources said. The Tamil-Sinhala New Year Day dawns on Tuesday (April 13th).
Provincial Education Ministry Secretary, Mr.R.Thiagalingam, is to preside at the function.
The chief guest will be the Vavuniya Government Agent, Mr.K.Ganesh, and the Guest of Honour, Mr.S.Sathiaseelan, Vavuniya Divisional Secretary, sources said. Keynote addresses will be made by two Tamil scholars, "Thamilmani" N.Ahalangan and Poet S.Vilvaretnam. The Vavuniya Centre for Arts and Vavuniya Parathashetra Kalamanram will stage several plays, sources said.