Senior Tamil Journalist talks to German HR Group
[TamilNet, Saturday, 19 June 2004, 17:46 GMT]
Dharmaretnam Sivaram, a Senior Tamil Journalist and an editor of TamilNet, spoke to International Human Rights Association in Germany during his recent trip to Europe. One segment of the interview was recorded after his colleague Mr. Aiyathurai Nadesan was assassinated in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Human Rights Interview: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6Mr.Sivaram was earlier a member of Peoples Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) and left to become a journalist when PLOTE became defunct in early 90s. Mr.Sivaram also writes to Daily Mirror, an english language daily, and to Tamil press. "Until the Lions have their historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter’. As the world is driving towards war it is important to bring out the truth in our countries. The server gives voice to the victims of war and oppression and it brings out the stories of courageous resistance and the desire for peace with justice," Human Rights Server site says in its website.