Pottuvil fishermen march supporting aid deal
[TamilNet, Saturday, 25 June 2005, 09:11 GMT]
Around three hundred Muslim and Sinhalese fishermen gathered in Pasaraichenai at 10 am Saturday morning supporting the signing of aid deal and demanding speedy implemention of post-tsunami reconstruction in Pottuvil, sources said. Demonstrators demanded speedy delivery of compensation, rebuilding of houses damaged by the tsunami and called for change in the policy of 200 meter buffer zone adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka.
The demonstrators marched from Pasaraichenai towards District Secretariat in Pottuvil town for four kilometres and submitted an appeal to Pottuvil Acting DS Mr N L Asmeer, sources said. The appeal was addressed to Ministry of Fisheries Autorities estimate that there are around 14258 refugees and at least 2179 houses were damaged in Pottuvil. Fifty-nine persons are still missing. 557 persons lost their lives in December 26 tsunami.