Tigers discuss humanitarian measures in Muttur
[TamilNet, Thursday, 03 August 2006, 11:32 GMT]
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Trincomalee District Political Head S. Elilan and the LTTE's Liason officer for UN and NGO affairs, were engaged in discussions related to the urgent humanitarian measures necessary to address the needs of the civilian population that has taken refuge in Mosques and Churches in large numbers in Muttur area that has largely come under the control of the LTTE, according to the Tiger Military Spokesman Irasiah Ilanthirayan. Mr. Ilanthirayan said the SL forces attempt to land in Muttur jetty was thwarted and forty SLA troopers were killed Thursday.
 Military Spokesperson of the Tigers, Mr. Irasaiah Ilanthirayan (Marshall)
Blaming the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) for indiscriminate artillery bombing towards civilian targets, the Islamic Arawa College, a church, and the attack on Ambulance carrying wounded Tamil civilians from the church on Wednesday, Ilanthirayan said the Church and the Islamic college buildings and mosques were cleary marked as refuges for internally displaced civilians. "In our operation so far, a number of SLA camps that were firing shells towards LTTE controlled Muttur East villages, have been neutralised," Ilanthirayan said. "The camps were also in the supply chain towards Maavil Aaru offensive site from the northern sector," he said.
"We are addressing the urgent need of humanitarian assistance to the internally displace people," Ilanthirayan told media.