Abducted man found dead, youth missing, three arrested in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Friday, 26 January 2007, 20:56 GMT]
Police recovered the body of the building
contractor reported missing since Monday in Pannakam area, with hands bound and with cut wounds, Friday morning, sources in Jaffna said. Meanwhile, in two separate complaints made to the Human Rights Commission (HRC)
Jaffna, a youth from Kachcheri-Nallur road was reported missing by his parents, and three youths from a house on the same road were reported arrested by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troopers, sources close to HRC said.
The building contractor, a family man from Katudai in Manipay was identified as Veerasingham Ratnasingham, 35. The victim was not seen after he left on Monday to the Agriculture Department located in Nallur, Jaffna, according to the complaint made to the HRC Jaffna. Ratnasingham's body is kept at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital morgue. Mallakam district magistrate Ms. Sarojini Illankumaran conducted the inquest into death, legal sources said. The youth from Kachcheri-Nallur road in Jaffna reported missing on his way to the Commercial Bank in Jaffna town Thursday morning is
Kankesan Mayooran, 21, according to the complaints made by his parents to the HRC Jaffna. Sathiaraj Mohanaram, 22 from Kachcheri- Nallur road in Jaffna, his relative Kanthasamy Satheeskanna, 34 from Manipay road in Jaffna and
Thiraviyanathan Thiraviyaventhan from Ukkulankulam in Vavuniya are
the three youths arrested from the house at Kachcheri-Nallur road. The family members of the youths said
that the SLA troopers arrested the youths at gun point from their house on Kachcheri-Nallur road around 1:15 a.m Friday and that they
have seen the same SLA troopers in SLA road check posts. Abductions, disappearances and killings are on the rise at an
alarming rate in Jaffna peninsula and residents are terrified of the violation of human rights which go unchecked and unpunished, civil
society sources said.