SLN arrests two fishermen in Vadamaradchy East seas
[TamilNet, Saturday, 17 February 2007, 09:02 GMT]
Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) Friday attacked two fishermen, fishing in deep seas from Vadamaradchy east coast, and arrested both with their boats, the fisheries union officials in Mullaitivu said. The officials added that two other fishermen had witnessed the incident and had fled to safety.
The arrested fishermen, Karunakaran Jegathesan, 27, from Vathirayan, and Sivanantharajah Sureshkumar, 30, from Maruthankerni were internally displaced from Vadamarachchy East region, live temporarily at Puthu Maththalan in Mullaithivu district. The families of the two fishermen were severely affected by the 2004 tsunami and had struggled to rebuild their lives. Both have acquired new boats and have been making slow economic progress, the union officials said.