Barrage of gunfire as Tiger aircrafts complete bombing raid, woman wounded
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 24 April 2007, 13:26 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troopers in camps across Jaffna Peninsula emptied bullets in the air in a barrage of gunfire after Tamileelam Air Force (TAF) attacked SLA's main base complex in the Jaffna peninsula in the early hours of Tuesday morning, residents in the peninsula said. A woman was wounded in Eezhaalai, 5 km southwest of Palaali when Sri Lanka Army soldiers opened fire from their positions as the Tiger aircrafts, that completed their mission inside the High Security Zone of the Palaali garrison, flew at low altitude on their way back to Vanni.
SLA troopers in camps located in Varani in Thenmaradchy, Mandaithivu in the islets west of Jaffna, and Atchelu and Uduvil in Valigamam shut off the lights and sprayed gunfire in the air, fearing attack by the TAF aircrafts as the aircrafts returned to their base in Vanni. Residents near the above SLA camps sought cover as the bullets fired by the panicked soldiers rained down. Tharmalingam Vijitha, 29, a housewife in Eezhaalai, was injured by gunfire. Ms. Vijitha, wounded during the curfew hours had to wait till the morning to be taken for treatment at Jaffna hospital. Military sources in Colombo confirmed that at least 6 of their personnel were killed, but said the casualties were due to Tigers' artillery. Informed military sources said more than 30 troopers were wounded the attack inside the HSZ.