Pirapaharan addresses Black Tigers in Vanni
[TamilNet, Thursday, 05 July 2007, 16:55 GMT]
V. Pirapaharan, leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) participated in a special commemoration event marking Black Tigers Day with several hundred Black Tiger cadres attending at the event in Vanni on Thursday, LTTE officials told media in Ki'linochchi. LTTE leader addressed the Black Tigers after lighting the flame of sacrifice at 7:05 p.m. the time of the death of first Black Tiger, Captain Miller. A total of 322 Black Tigers have been killed in action from Captain Miller´s death in 1987 until 30th June 2007, according to the Tamileelam Heroes Secretariat in Vanni.
 LTTE leader lit the flame of sacrifice among Black Tiger cadres in Vanni [Photo: LTTE]
Twenty years ago, on 5th July, 1987 LTTE's first Black Tiger Miller drove an explosive laden truck on Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troops garrisoned in a school in Vadamaraadchi, killing more than 40 SLA troopers. Since his death, 81 Black Tigers, 63 men and 18 women, have died in action on land, and 241 cadres, 169 men and 72 women, have died at sea, according to the figures published by the Tamileelam Heroes Secretariat.  Mr. Pirapaharan garlanding first Black Tiger Captain Miller's picture frame. [Photo: LTTE]
Remembrance events were held in several areas in Vanni with sport events and public meetings for the past five days. The first event commemorating the Black Tiger´s week was held in Kilinochchi Central College grounds presided by the Head of Federation of Tamil Organizations (FTO) Prabhakaran at 9:30 a.m. Monday. Pon.Thiyagam, Director of Heroes Welfare Association, lit the common flame of sacrifice at the main event in Kilinochchi Monday at 9:00 a.m. Chief of Tamileelam Judiciary, Mr. Para, and several senior leaders of the LTTE, spoke at the event, according to sources in Vanni.  LTTE leader V. Pirapaharan commemorating fallen Black Tigers [Photo: LTTE]
 Memorial archs commemorating fallen Black Tigers were set up on roads this week in Vanni [Photo: TamilNet]
 Black Tiger Heroes photographs, displayed in a vehicle designed as a vessel, were taken in a procession in Pu'liyangku'lam [Photo: TamilNet]