4 Tamils arrested in Gampaha
[TamilNet, Friday, 06 July 2007, 20:37 GMT]
The Sri Lanka Army (SLA) arrested three Tamil civilians in a cordon and
search operation conducted in Gampaha town Thursday and have detained them
at the Gampaha police station. Police said the arrested men failed to provide
valid reasons for staying in Gampaha. The detainees arebeing questioned by the Terrorist Intelligence Division of the Police.
A combined cordon and search operation was conducted in eleven police
divisions in Gampaha district earlier on Wednesday also. Hundreds of army and
police officers were deployed in the operation. Houses, business
establishments and vehicles were subjected to thorough search, affected residents and businessmen said. Meanwhile, another Tamil youth was arrested while he was travelling to
Anuradhapura by train from Colombo. The youth is a resident of Jaffna
town, according to civil society sources.