6 members of family seek refuge with HRC
[TamilNet, Friday, 02 November 2007, 10:13 GMT]
A 37-year-old father, 27-year-old mother, and four children, all girls with ages between 2 and 10, surrendered Friday at the offices of the Jaffna Human Rights Commissions seeking safety from Sri Lanka Army (SLA) and SLA-backed paramilitaries, civil sources in Jaffna said. Meanwhile, a 31-year old driver has been reported disappeared since Wednesday, according to complaints at the HRC offices.
The six family members are from Kalveal area in Chaavakachcheri, Thenmaraadchy district, complained of repeated death threats and threats of abduction by the SLA soldiers and collaborating paramilitaries, the family registered in a complaint with the HRC. The father has been called to report at the Chaavakachcheari SLA camp several times and has been cautioned several times, the family said further in the complaint. Meanwhile, the driver of a private passenger vehicle, Ganeshan Suresh, 22, from Alaveddi in Jaffna, has not been seen after he had gone to Chunnaakam Power House on Wednesday, his relatives said in the complaint with HRC.