2ND LEAD (Update)
Professor 'Tawney' Rajaratnam passes away
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 06 May 2008, 14:36 GMT]
Professor 'Tawney' S. Rajaratnam, who was the first head of the University College, Batticaloa, when it was founded in 1981, passed away in London Monday morning at the age of 80.
 Prof. 'Tawney' S. Rajaratnam (10.05.1928 - 05.05.2008)
The University College of Batticaloa later became the Eastern University of Sri Lanka (EUSL). 'Tawney' Selvaratnam Rajaratnam, born on 10 May 1928, was a senior academic in Economics at Peradeniya for a long time. He joined the Economics department of the University of Jaffna in 1978 and became its Professor and Head. He also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University in the late 70s. He was residing in UK since 1991. He is survived by his wife and two children. The religious ceremony will be carried out at his residence (20 Park Way,
Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 8NY) between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 on Saturday and the cremation ceremony will be held at Hendon Crematorium, Holder's Hill Road, London
NW7 1NB at 1:00 p.m., sources in London said.