Land mine accident kills one
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 06 January 1999, 14:18 GMT]
A Sri Lankan Police man was killed and five were wounded when a 'Jonny' anti-personal land mine (APLM) exploded today during a lecture on explosives and landmines at the Police district headquarters complex in Batticaloa.
The wounded were admitted to the Batticaloa hospital. The Batticaloa Police HQ had arranged a special course for various ranks on detecting, identifying and defusing various types of explosive devises in the lecture hall at the complex in the heart of Batticaloa town. Several kinds of APLMs, claymore mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) used by the Liberation Tigers against the Sri Lankan security forces had been brought in for demonstration and display. Police and SLA patrols have come under increasing pressure in the district in recent times attacks by the Liberation Tigers with the aid of claymore mines, APLMs and IEDs.