Alleged bureaucratic humiliation caused Police officer's suicide
[TamilNet, Friday, 11 July 2008, 09:54 GMT]
Just seven days to go for retirement, the Officier-in-Charge of the Kalmunai police, W.C.Wijetilake, committed suicide by shooting himself Friday morning after he has been ordered to serve in a post which he considered a demotion, according to informed sources inside the Police.
The 'punishment transfer' is alleged to be a consequence of the killing of three Sinhalese traders in Kalmunai, which came under his jurisdiction. The transfer orders came despite his protest, the sources added. Employees in the sector of armed services and judiciary, facing punishment transfers, premature retirements, interdictions and in extreme cases, committing suicide, are on the increase in recent times, when such employees don't yield into the designs of higher-ups in Sri Lanka.