Civilians entering Jaffna town subjected to severe checking
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 11 March 2009, 17:20 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers and police subject civilians entering Jaffna town from all parts of the peninsula to severe checking in three or four points along each of the main roads to Jaffna town while security measures at important places in Jaffna town are being strengthened, during the past few days, sources in Jaffna said.
Female personnel of the SLA and police are also engaged in the checking of civilians, who are made to alight from the vehicles and subjected to thorough body search at more than one place. Civilians entering Jaffna town from Vadamaraadchi are checked at Irupaalai, Muththirachchanthai and Arasady junction while those coming from Thenmaraadchi are subjected to checking at Kaithadi, Naavatku’li and Ariyaalai. People from the islets have to undergo checking at Allaippiddi and Pa’n’nai before entering Jaffna town and Valikaamam people are checked at Thaddaatheru junction. These severe checking of civilians is contrary to the Sri Lanka Defence Ministry’s claim that security measures in Jaffna peninsula have been relaxed, civil society sources in Jaffna said.