News In Brief
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 24 March 1999, 01:30 GMT]
Two bodies found in Ampara paddy field and Army takes charge of distributing ration cards in Vadamaraddchi East.
Bodies found in Amparai paddy fieldThe bodies of two middle aged men were found in a paddy field in Malikaithivu in the south-eastern Ampara district yesterday afternoon. The men are believed to have been assaulted and beaten to death as there were no gunshot wounds on their body. According to the police in Sammanthurai, the men are believed to be Tamils. An identity card with the name Thiyagarajah was found near the bodies, said the police. The police have handed over the bodies to the Ampara hospital for identification.
SLA to distribute food vouchersThe Sri Lanka Army (SLA) in Jaffna has told the villagers of Amban, Kudaththanai and Manalkaadu in Vadamaradchi East that they will have come to the Vallipuram SLA camp to get their ration cards and food stamps . Earlier ration cards and food stamps were distributed through the Divisional Secretaries. More than 650 families in these villages were dependent on relief, said sources.