Vanni IDPs held in Thenmaraadchi to be settled in Army HSZ in Vadamaraadchi
[TamilNet, Friday, 20 November 2009, 16:33 GMT]
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from earlier Liberation Tiger controlled areas in Vadamaraadchi East beyond Naakarkoayil detained in Mirusuvil and Kodikaamam IDP camps in Thenmaraadchi are to be settled in the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) High Security Zone (HSZ) in Ma’nattkaadu in Vadmaraadchi, according to Maruthangkea’ni Assistant Government Agent (AGA), S. Sriskantharajah. Ma’nattkaadu, Ampan and Kudaththanai villages are located in the HSZ where people are not permitted to move freely by the occupying SLA soldiers, sources in Vadamaraadchi said.
475 IDPs of 142 families from Vadamaraadchi East, Kaddaikkaadu, Aazhiyava’lai and Thaazhaiyadi which had been under Liberation Tigers before the war, were brought to Ma’nattkaadu from Mirusuvil Church camp and Kodikaamam Raamaavil camp in Thenmaraadchi Friday. Of the above IPDs 413 persons of 121 families are from Murusuvil Church camp while 52 persons of 21 families are from Kodikaamam Raamaavil camp. The government is in a hurry to close the IDP camps in Thenmaraadchi, sources in Jaffna said. The IDPs brought to Ma’nattkaadu will be held in the shelters constructed for tsunami victims. The shelters will be renovated for the IDPs to live in according to Jaffna GA’s instruction, the AGA said.