Land mine attack kills four
[TamilNet, Monday, 29 March 1999, 07:00 GMT]
Four Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF) personnel were killed yesterday around 2.50 p.m. when the tractor in which they were travelling was hit by a claymore mine activated by the Liberation Tigers near the Moondumurippu junction, northwest of Vavuniya said SLA headquarters sources in Colombo today.
The SLA has deployed units of the SLAF in the areas captured from the Liberation Tigers in the Vanni so that its own units could be deployed in the forward areas. More than 800 persons belonging to 160 families from Parappukadanthaan in Mannar sought refuge in St.Xavier's church at Aalkaattiveli in Aandaankulam from the early hours of the morning today when the SLA at the Thallaady camp directed artillery and mortar fire on their village from 10.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. last night. Aandaankulam is about 14 km. east of Mannar town on the mainland.