SL Parliament to debate local government amendment bill
[TamilNet, Sunday, 19 September 2010, 02:06 GMT]
The Local Government Election Amendment Bill that would introduce
mixed electoral system will be tabled in Sri Lankan parliament in October for debate and approval, the SL Government Media Unit said
The proposed Bill would introduce the first-past-the-post
electoral system and the present current proportional representative
system to conduct the next local government that is expected to
be held in January 2011 in a single day, sources said. Under the new local government amendment bill, two third members of
each local government institution in the country would be elected on
the first-past-the-post system and one third members would be elected
under the proportional representative system. On the recommendation of minister of Local Government and Provincial
Councils A. L. M. Athaullah, the Cabinet on September 8 granted
approval to amend the Local Government Elections Ordinance and the
Municipal Council Ordinance, Urban Council Ordinance and the
Pradeshiya Saba Act.