Feature Article

TamilNet columnist in Asia Pacific passes away

[TamilNet, Sunday, 07 October 2012, 10:48 GMT]
TamilNet columnist in the diaspora, writing as Economic and Political Analyst in the Asia Pacific, passed away this week at the age of 73. Retired from the service of an apex world infrastructure of the Establishments, including a tenure that brought him awards from Vietnam, he had first hand experience on the 1 per cent of the world oppressing the 99 per cent. Oppressed nations and peoples coming together to change the world order was the pivotal theme of his writings. His commitment to the Tamil Eelam cause was based on his ideology that completion of the national liberation or recognition of the Right of Self-determination of the 6000 odd nations without state is an indispensable preliminary for the Socialist World Order. TamilNet’s inability to reveal his identity even at his demise reflects the nature of oppression Eezham Tamils face today.

TamilNet salutes the selfless services of the columnist and conveys its condolences to the bereaved family members of the noble man.

The columnist, a regular reader of TamilNet, first made contact with its editorial board in July 2004, offering to contribute articles on ‘development’.

Two years after the Establishments-abetted Mu’l’livaaykkaal genocide, and after following TamilNet’s opinion and feature articles, he volunteered to join the team as a columnist in 2011, at the age of 72.

Between September 2011 and April 2012, he authored 10 powerful opinion and feature articles, building upon one another and setting a way forward for the internationalised struggle of the nation of Eezham Tamils.

It seems that he wrote them with a premonition and speed that he should share his thoughts with his nation before his demise. In the last few months he was also actively involved in practically putting into action some of his thoughts on the way forward.

A PDF compilation of all his articles appeared in TamilNet is presented herewith.

Apart from writing articles, he was regularly in touch with TamilNet, coming out with valuable comments on various recent developments.

Excerpts from some of his emails in the last few months are also reproduced herewith, as they could be an eye-opener to many of our political and social activists in the island and in the diaspora:

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March 20, 2012, excerpts of an email to TamilNet editor on solidarity with natural allies:

Though I am not writing anything to TamilNet, I am watching the valiant efforts in exposing the collusion games played in the UNHRC particularly by GoSL,West & India.

We need to do more than exposing. Even the articles by [...] & [...] are not clear on the Way Ahead. Some may call solidarity with natural allies is not practical.

The Mail I am forwarding to you is for your information only. It is an attempt to see how practical is solidarity with natural allies. In my opinion, we have to try very hard and make it practicable as theory teaches that as the only way. [...]

I am sure that all major cities in the world, where Tamil diaspora lives, must be similar. We need to sell the Way Ahead as we see just like the Globalised Establishments are selling the GoSL Way.

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August 09, 2012, an email communication to his friends:

First we need to open our eyes and see the collusion games being played by DFAT, ICG and the like as tools of the International Community of Establishments (ICE) and that is the purpose of understanding geopolitics, which is really the game played by the 1% against the 99%, whether it is to do with the environment or the world economy or the completion of national liberation.

The 1% clearly understands the relationship among the three whereas even the traditional Marxists also do not seem to understand this.

This is the main Lesson that has to be learnt from the disaster of May 2009, not only by the Tamils but also by the entire 99%.

We must remember that Mahinda was only a tool (a tool that jumped up for its chauvinistic end) of the ICE in the May 2009 disaster.

Tamils, particularly Eelam ones, having faced the worst of the disaster should understand the above first and then explain to the rest of the 99%.

If the 99% (initially a critical mass of the 99%) understands and Unites against the 1%, then the 1% will have a battle and the 99% can have a hope.

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July 16, 2012, comment excerpts on TamilNet editorial “Declare for Referendum in any Unity Meeting”:

Suggesting the above to India or the West (Plan A) may be useful only to prove that they will NOT support, at least based on past experience if not on Theoretical Understanding. So we need spend more time on Plan B of Canvassing International Public opinion. The Diaspora is fully capable of this as the Diaspora can easily communicate with Other Nations without State and the oppressed peoples in general. Organising activities like the recently completed International Football Tournament and Multicultural Events can be good opportunities in developing solidarity. No doubt World Tamil Unity based on these objectives should be the starting point.

A very effective Plan B may even make Plan A workable, if the numbers behind Plan B are large enough. Mobilising TN [Tamil Nadu] population is very important.

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July 01, 2012, response to a friendly Sinhala leftist activist (excerpts):

I have not yet read that article fully yet but I thought of responding to this e-mail to put a stop to our fratricidal war of words which should not be allowed to develop like the conflicts among Tamil groups (past and present), or like the conflicts among Left groups or even like the historical blunder of Stalin/Lenin vs Trotsky.


I was never a member of the LTTE (do not know whether they had any membership even). But, where I differ from the "Marxist" Professors, from many many in the Diaspora (perhaps under pressure from the "IC") and may be from you as well is in the assessment of the "historical role of the LTTE" [...]

I used to have arguments with the professors even during the War on this question of historical role, whenever the professors (unlike Bahu) were more anti LTTE than anti GOSL perhaps under the influence of western democracy & IC rather than under the influence of Marxism, which I consider as a scientific study of society without any laundry marks.

Briefly my assessment of history of Sri Lanka since it became an agent political imperialist to the former imperialists (who now lead the "IC") in 1948 is a history of genocide of Tamils which continues even today except that it was stalemated by the LTTE between 1983 and 2009. If not for the LTTE, the genocide would have been completed within a decade of 1983. I do not care about the non-senses of ‘child soldiers’, ‘human shields’ and even ‘terrorism’.

For me oppression (Whether it is violent or non-violent, armed or unarmed) is terrorism. Opposing oppression in any form is not terrorism and I am always at home to be on the side of resistance, whether enlightened by Marxism or not.

You may recall that Fidel Castro became a Marxist long after the success of the Cuban Revolution. Nelson Mandela was not a Marxist like Ho Chi Minh.

Humanity is facing a leadership crisis. The dark clouds of deteriorating environment, the deepening world economic crisis, and the successful preemption of the completion of national liberation by the globalised establishments currently transforming under the influence of intelligence agencies as an insurance against the establishment of a socialist world order– All indicate a very favourable objective conditions for a revolutionary change.

But the 99% having been submerged under ideology of individualism and egoism, being influenced and divided by the uneven distribution of the bribe/spoils of war & oppression, are suffering from a leadership crisis. History will not forgive us if we engage in the propagation of divisive stories promoted by the oppressor. I consider attacking the "dead LTTE" is one such divisive story, which will help Mahinda and the IC.

Let us concentrate on the immediate goal of completing the national liberation by campaigning among the international public for the recognition of the right of self-determination on nations without state, which is of the order of 6000 and that will be a great unifying force of the 99% if we emphasize that completion of national liberation is an indispensable preliminary for the socialist world order.

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December 25, 2011, excerpts from his comments to a Colombo-based Tamil ‘Marxist’ professor's write-up that appeared elsewhere:

Up to the CFA it was GOSL that was buying the time but after that it was the IC that is buying the time. Like the two party democracies, (UNP & UPFA in Sri Lanka), UN and its organisations (Globalised Establishmets) are also apparently divided, but basically buying time for the member Establishment (GOSL).

Bateman has concluded that Rajapakse requires only two more cycles of UNHRC sessions to finish the accountability, Genocide issues, and unfortunately he thinks Rajapakse will be proved right.

In the UNSG Panel Report, both GOSL and LTTE are blamed which is shamefully repeated by many in the Diaspora without making a distinction between the oppressor and the oppressed and without considering the quantitative differences of the crimes by LTTE and GoSL (1:100?).

Up to the CFA it was GoSL that was buying the time, but after that, it was the IC that is buying the time.

But further clarifications are needed since pathetically almost all the Diaspora organisations and the TNA (after making all the complaints about India and the West) end up appealing to the very same forces who masterminded and engineered the war against Tamils and now continuing to share the spoils of war showing the mirages of illusive phrases like Development, Reconciliation and prohibiting the use of the word Genocide as if that is to be experienced only by Eelam Tamils.

“International Community buys the LLRC Report.”

“LLRC encircles ICG, IC.”

Unlike the UNSG Panel Report, the LLRC finds fault only with LTTE and the IC is quite happy with it.

The question is can we prove Bateman Wrong? We have to if we are to survive. The way out is not to beg the Globalised Establishments but to join our Natural Allies.

Related Articles:
24.04.12   The court of international public opinion
30.03.12   Post-UNHRC needs show of Fourth World solidarity
03.01.12   ‘Champions of Change’
20.12.11   Building consensus with universal ideology
03.11.11   Politics of the Way Ahead
10.10.11   Politics of Imperialism
30.09.11   Politics of Human Rights
25.09.11   ‘Politics of Deceit’
15.09.11   Post War Politics of Sri Lanka
07.09.11   Friends, Enemies and Geopolitics


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