The Justice fails as lawyer of Tamils too
[TamilNet, Monday, 16 September 2013, 07:07 GMT]
NPC Chief Minister candidate Mr C.V. Wigneswaran on Sunday defended him over the interview that appeared in The Hindu on Thursday, by further elaborations and by blaming The Hindu for selective projection of his answers and omission in that too. But he didn’t deny the crucial point he had made through The Hindu, aimed at discrediting and silencing the voices coming from Tamil Nadu for the independence of the genocide-affected nation of Eezham Tamils. “We are facing problems in our discourse with the government in our country, because parties in foreign countries, especially the parties in South India, keep telling that separation is the only solution,” Wigneswaran reiterated in a press meet in Jaffna, held for explaining the TNA election manifesto.

CV Wigneswaran
Wigneswaran’s target is the diaspora and Tamil Nadu, the only factors that remain free to some extent in coming out with the voice of the Eezham Tamils gagged at home, and he speaks the very same language of the parties as well as genocidal partners in foreign countries that now engineer a self-annihilation ‘discourse’ for the nation of Eezham Tamils through him, commented a Tamil activist for alternative politics in Jaffna.
Further comments from the activist in Jaffna:
The actual discourse is not with the government in Colombo, but with the Establishments in the outside that keep upholding a genocidal State and keep denying the right to self- determination of Eezham Tamils.
We faced genocide and are now facing a massive-scale structural genocide on a daily basis, mainly because the Establishments outside keep guaranteeing the unity and integrity of the genocidal State.
This is in fact the main problem we face in our discourse with the government in Colombo too, because no genocidal state will concede anything when its existence is not countered but guaranteed.
Today the world is imperceptibly engulfed into the Third Imperialist War, after the First World War, Second World War and the Cold War of the 20th century. Unlike in the previous wars, all the Establishments armed to the teeth are on one side, waging a war on the peoples all over the world. It is a silent war on some peoples but explicit war on some other selective peoples.
In such a war, State military all over the world is indispensable to the Establishments that lead the war. They would never stop pampering the Sinhala State military that is occupying the country of Eezham Tamils, unless challenged by people’s power in the region.
When a people’s struggle with strength, along with natural allies, is the only course available to Eezham Tamils, a word has been put through Wigneswaran’s mouth in a carefully calculated move to pre-empt the power of the people of Tamil Nadu casting its weight in favour of the liberation of Eezham Tamils.
Even after the genocide, if Tamils can’t understand from where the war is actually waged, who else could?
Wigneswaran in his press meet on Sunday said that in his censored part of The Hindu interview he had appreciated the struggle waged by the youth in ‘South India,’ without political party affinities.
But this struggle upheld the right to self-determination of Eezham Tamils and it was this struggle that made the Tamil Nadu State Assembly to unanimously pass a resolution for a UN referendum, after the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister saying that independence to Eezham Tamils is the solution.
What does Wigneswaran mean when he appreciates the youth struggle but condemns the call for independence? Is it a way of hijacking and silencing the people’s uprising?
Many wonder why Wigneswaran has come out with what he had said at this juncture. It was totally unwarranted for him unless he is the lawyer and operative of somebody else.
His blame on The Hindu is eyewash. He must have been fully aware of the orientation of The Hindu– what it would highlight and how it would highlight.
He didn’t sound logical even in defending the husband and wife analogy of him.
Intelligence circles in New Delhi worry over their ‘Kautilyan’ moves on the island being thwarted by Tamil Nadu polity, informed sources say. For six decades Eezham Tamils have seen what the ‘Kautilyan’ moves meant for them. Unless the ground reality of a people’s power free from engineering gets at them, justice will never come from the Kautilyas.
The former Justice C.V. Wigneswaran tilts the balance of people’s power and geopolitical ground reality to go against the people from whom he seeks a ‘mandate’ and he even fails as a lawyer in arguing their case from their point of view.
Relevant part of Mr C.V. Wigneswaran’s press speech in Jaffna on Sunday, explaining his interview to The Hindu:The reporter from The Hindu, Meera Srinivasan, posed more than 10 questions to me. I gave answers to all her questions.
But, only the reply to one of the questions has been picked up. For what reason, I don't know.
Further, she has censored some parts of my response even to that question.
One of my significant responses to her was that we were very happy to see the struggle waged by the South Indian youth. Their struggle has positively benefited us a lot. Especially, the way they expressed their emotions and their way of uprising without political party affinities has brought about a positive environment for us.
While elaborating all this, I also told her that the political parties over there should not exploit our plight for their selfish interests. They are behaving like tennis players, using our plight as their ball, I told her.
I also told her that the behaviour of those, who are outside the island, pronouncing separation as the only solution, is like a third person intervening in a dispute between a husband and wife to suggest divorce as the solution. My analogy was not intended to mean the Tamils and the Sinhalese as husband and wife. Rather, my focus was on the attitude of the intervening third person.
We are facing problems in our discourse with the government in our country, because parties in foreign countries, especially the parties in South India, keep telling that separation is the only solution.
Other than that, I have no issues with the Tamil-Speaking people in South India.
As a member of Kampan Kazhakam for 15 years, I have interacted with scholars and intellectuals. I have taken part in several conferences in South India and I have many friends over there.
We need the support, facilitation, help and consolation of the South Indian people.
Apart from these, we also have other needs. For example, there will be future opportunities for the provincial council to receive South Indian assistance and benefit from such interaction on several fronts.
I am saddened at the appearance of the report [which has made it look like] as if I was forgetting all these and vulgarising the support extended by the South Indian Tamil people.