Opinion Article

Tamil Nadu needs to initiate Vietnam-like international struggle

[TamilNet, Monday, 13 January 2014, 23:26 GMT]
It is now explicit that the genocide and continued genocide committed on Eezham Tamils as a nation, is part of a larger global paradigm of ‘statecraft’ or tradecraft conceived and executed by Washington, London, New Delhi and Beijing in unison. They won’t alter the agenda of deploying or allowing the Sinhala State to annihilate the nation and territoriality of Eezham Tamils, unless the paradigm is globally challenged as was in the case of Vietnam, or is specifically thwarted by the power of the people in the region. The latter is more relevant to the context of Eezham Tamils. Tamil Nadu and other peoples of India are duty-bound to act not for the sake of Eezham Tamils but for their own sake and for entire humanity.

The humanity-engineering forces of strategic partnership architected and conducted a genocidal war without witnesses against Eezham Tamils.

Citing various excuses and ‘impracticalities’ they sit on any international investigation.

They refuse to recognize the genocide or on-going genocide.

But in the mean time, they allow space and time for the hushed and hurried completion of structural genocide, so that, in a couple of years of time they could cite ‘new ground realities’ to deny justice, both criminal and political.

Above all, they detract any theoretical or ideological space for the Right to Protect national struggle of Eezham Tamils, based on historical, earned or remedial sovereignty.

They also try to groom Tamil ‘leadership’ in the island and in the diaspora to play stooge and blunt the struggle.

* * *

Against such a backdrop, only two major moves, one taken by the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT), and the other taken by the Tamil Nadu State Assembly, have provided the justification and theoretical space for the political struggle of Eezham Tamils.

The PPT indicting Sri Lanka for the genocide and continued genocide committed with the complicity of the USA, UK and India, against Eelam Tamils as a national group, and the TN Assembly under the leadership of Ms. Jayalalithaa passing unanimous resolutions on international investigations and referendum among Eezham Tamils, are no small steps.

But, how to translate them into political action, before it is too late, is the question.

* * *

The PPT’s interest in taking up the case of Eezham Tamils is universal. Its verdict indicts the global paradigm of the actors in partnership.

The PPT has hither to taken up for investigation the cases of more than a dozen situations from the Armenian genocide to East Timor.

It also has investigated corporate-tradecraft cases such as the Bhopal gas leak, to the edification of international industrial laws.

But the pioneer one of them was the tribunal on the USA in Vietnam, held in 1966-1967 by the predecessor of the PPT, the Russell Tribunal.

The tribunal findings enlightened the world, and more importantly enlightened the American public to rise against the then US administration engaged in Vietnam.

However, in the case of the genocide of Eezham Tamils, neither the American public nor the UK public is going to rise in force against their Establishments.

Unfortunately, the large Tamil diaspora in North America and the UK is also conditioned to remain in naivety and gullibility through its own articulators.

In the context of Eezham Tamils, if a Vietnam-like pressure has to be exerted for the paradigm-edification of the world Establishments and for the benefit of entire humanity, what is practical is that such a pressure has to be exerted in full force selectively against New Delhi.

With the opinion support of global humanity and alternative institutions of humanity, people of Tamil Nadu only are capable of taking up the task, and they need to educate the other peoples of India on the universal importance of undertaking a task within India, similar to that of the opposition generated within the USA against the USA in Vietnam.

* * *

It is precisely in this area there is a lacuna in the PPT investigations.

The PPT has not sufficiently dealt with the investigation on the complicity of India in the genocide of Eezham Tamils.

This investigation is crucial for the enlightenment of public opinion in India, in order to practically materialize any political justice for Eezham Tamils and to prevent similar tragedies affecting various peoples inside India itself.

* * *

What could be the intent of India, if it is in complicity in the genocide and continued genocide of Eezham Tamils, seems to be a question.

Tamil Nadu is duty-bound to resolve this question, by investigating the ‘intent’, rising above caste, political parties and business interests in Tamil Nadu.

A very generalised opinion put in circulation alludes to a so-called concern in India that independence of Eezham Tamils could inspire many peoples inside India to claim independence. But this concern was not there in Bangladesh getting independence. Is there anything else?

Unlike Bengalis in India in the case of Bangladesh, a powerful opinion making and policy deciding section within South India or hailing from South India itself was operating for decades against the independence of Eezham Tamils, even when the process was decisively and knowingly leading towards genocide.

The intent in certain articulating sections within India that manifested into influencing the New Delhi Establishment to actively participate in the genocide and continued genocide of the nation of Eezham Tamils seems to be multifaceted and complicated for comprehension.

Whether paranoia of a country about its own integrity, paranoia related to localised issues in southern India, geopolitics, economic cum corporate interests, communal bias, individual interests or bias against the LTTE could lead to complicity in the genocide of a people of a nation in war and adamant continuation of structural genocide aimed at irreversible annihilation of that nation, is a question for investigation.

The issue of Sinhala State occupation of the country of Eezham Tamils in the island is often coupled with the fishermen issue in the political discourses in Tamil Nadu.

Focussing only on Kachcha-theevu fails in enlightening the masses in Tamil Nadu and the world. Attention should be actually drawn to the larger and long-term agenda conceived jointly by New Delhi and the Sinhala State for the structural genocide of the historically potent Tamil coastal folk on either side, in order to appropriate the coasts for the overlapping interests of the two Establishments.

The world also needs to know what content of the ‘strategic partnership’ call that came from the US State Department to India during the Vanni War that overlapped with the ‘intent’ in India to end the war in genocide and subsequently continue with structural genocide.

* * *

Humanity for its edification of the Establishments, and peoples of India for their own security and progress, need a thorough investigation on the role of India as a State and on the role of the various actors in India who led the State into the genocide and continued genocide of Eezham Tamils.

The investigations are not necessarily to punish individuals. The Cambodian genocide investigations are yet to result in punishment of any key operatives as the ultimate culprits protected them. There is no mechanism to punish the ultimate culprits. In the investigation on India’s complicity in the genocide of Eezham Tamils, more than punishing anyone, the world needs to know what is the intent and why the intent.

People who played key roles in the government, in the political parties, in media and most importantly in the ground operations of shuttling between New Delhi and Colombo, should be made to come out with what they did and what was the intent.

If any leadership in Tamil Nadu feels that it has been deceived, it is obliged to tell how it has been deceived and who deceived.

Often an indicted authority arrogantly asks whether you want investigation or remedy. In the case of Eezham Tamils, the remedy is also not forthcoming but on the contrary the structural genocide and the annihilation of their country is accelerated.

* * *

People of Tamil Nadu get a never-to-be-missed opportunity this year in the general elections.

Like the unanimous resolutions in the State Assembly, if the leading political parties are compelled by public opinion to have a common goal and strategy on the cause of the nation of Eezham Tamils, much could be achieved at the level of the next government in New Delhi.

Investigations conducted within India on the genocide of Eezham Tamils, and the Right to Protect Independence cause of the nation of Eezham Tamils, should be taken up in parallel and should be deployed appropriately at the next government level.

Mobilisation of non-political party mass opinion is crucial to compel the political parties.

Mobilisation of non-political party mass opinion is also needed to re-enact the US people –Vietnam model of struggle in India.

Non-political party mobilisation in India should not confine its struggle against the Establishment in India alone. It should equally send the message to Washington, London and Beijing too.

The March UNHRC will tell how the powers including the USA and India are again going to pursue the course of deception.

They have already started making big noises as well as engineering of opinion through agents, aimed at diffusing any uprising coming from the affected people but only seeking further inroads into the island and ultimately giving nothing but structural genocide for the nation of Eezham Tamils.

Unless a break-through is achieved at least with one of them, or unless the people of Tamil Nadu are going to prove who is the dominant geopolitical force in the region, nothing substantial is going to be achieved.


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