SLA accused of abductions
[TamilNet, Saturday, 21 August 1999, 13:08 GMT]
Unidentified men, believed to be members of the Sri Lanka Army's intelligence unit abducted two youths at Iruthayapuram junction, 4 km. north of Batticaloa, yesterday noon, their relatives informed human rights organisations.
The youths, Nadarasa Pathmakanthan,25 and Sivaguru Sooriyakanthan,24, were abducted by men who had come to the area in a white van, sources said. The SLA's Intelligence Unit at Lake road have, told relatives that they had not arrested the youths. However, witness said they are certain that the youths were abducted by the SLA intelligence. Meanwhile six persons who were arrested by the Sri Lanka Army during a search operation at the Batticaloa market on August 19 were released on 1000 rupees personnel bail. The detainees were handed over to the police who produced them at the Batticaloa District Court yesterday. The Additional District Judge, Mr.K.Thadchanamoorthy, ordered them to appear in the courts on September 22.