Relevant information on SIHRN
[TamilNet, Sunday, 24 November 2002, 16:48 GMT]
During the second session of the peace talks in Thailand in the beginning of November, the Parties agreed to set up the SIHRN as a short-term mechanism for responding to the immediate needs of the population. The establishment of SIHRN shall not impede the introduction of a provisional administrative structure for the Northern and Eastern Provinces and shall cease its operations as soon as this structure has been established.
The role of this Sub-Committee has already been described above and the guiding principles for implementation of its activities are enclosed
(annex 1). The sub-committee will in its work be assisted by a secretariat drawing its personnel resources from among candidates proposed for secondment by both parties. On financing of SIHRN and its activities the relevant provisions of the Terms of Reference of the Sub-Committee states as follows:
- The cost of the Sub-Committee and its Secretariat, as well as the activities initiated by its decisions, will be financed by the Northeast Reconstruction Fund (NERF). GOSL and LTTE shall co-operate in soliciting contributions to NERF. NERF will be vested with X (foreign country/international organisation) on behalf of the donors and the parties.
- Upon request from the Sub-Committee, X shall release funds for operation of the Sub-Committee, and for activities carried out by the implementing agencies. If the Sub-Committee ceases to function, the finances remaining will be reverted to the contributors on the basis of their initial contribution.
- In the overall interest of rapid reconstruction and international
civil society participation, direct implementation by and funding of international and local institutions will be accepted. Such institutions shall, however, be required to consult with the Sub-Committee. They shall further be encouraged to comply with the priorities proposed by the Sub-Committee and report their activities to the Sub-Committee in order to avoid duplication of efforts.
The Sub-Committee found it appropriate to seek the comments of this Conference before approaching any state or international institution to act as the custodian of the finances provided to the fund. In addition to contributions made through "the fund", financing through bilateral arrangement, as well as contributions through international organisations, is also welcomed, provided that the Sub-Committee approves the implementation of specific projects, as indicated in article 4.3 in the TOR. On monitoring and auditing the Parties reached the following decision:
- An internationally reputed firm of consultants shall monitor the activities financed by the Sub-Committee. The consultant will be contracted by and report to the Sub-Committee.
- An internationally reputed auditing firm shall audit the financial transactions of the Secretariat and the activities financed by the Sub-Committee. The auditing firm shall be contracted by and report to the Sub-Committee and the sessions of the negotiations.