Trinco workshop emphasizes GO, NGO co-operation vital for NE development
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 18 December 2002, 17:34 GMT]
A one-day awareness workshop on ‘Government Organizations (GO) and
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Collaboration in Development’ was held
Wednesday at Trincomalee Education Training Center. "It is high time for
the GOs and NGOs to work together for the development of the northeast
province which has been devastated by the war," said Mr.N. Puhendran,
Deputy Director of Planning addressing the workshop.
The workshop was organized by the
Ministry of Policy Development and Implementation and the National
Foundation for Collaboration in Development and conducted by the National
NGO Council of Sri Lanka.
Ms Ponmalar Rajeswaran of Institution of Nursery Studies and Gender development and Mr.S.Kalaivarnan , Project Officer of the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization in Trinco are seen lighting the traditional oil lamp at the inaugural function of the workshop.
"About seven thousand orphaned children and eight thousand war widows live
in Trincomalee district alone. More than forty two thousand houses have been
destroyed. Up to now assistance has been provided only to construct about
twelve thousand houses. More than forty two thousand internally displaced
families live in 372 refugee camps and welfare centers in the country,"
said Mr.N.Puhendran. Mr.Puhendran further said, "Successful resettlement of displaced and rehabilitation of
the ruined economy of the province solely depend on the smooth
implementation of the development projects. Leaders of NGOs and GOs should
bear this in their minds. They should work in the coming months on a war
footing." NGOs and GOs are considered two hands for the successful implementation of
development projects. Therefore both institutions should work together
taking into consideration the urgent need to reconstruct the war torn
province, said Mr.Puhendran. Representatives from NGOs and GOs from the eight districts in the
northeast province participated in the workshop. This was sixth workshop in
this series. The Director General of the Ministry of Policy Development and
Implementation Mr.S.Ranugge in his inaugural address said the aim of the
workshop is to promote NGOs to play more active role
development and to maintain an agreed code of conduct. The workshop
will also attempt to grade all non-governmental organizations on agreed
criteria. Dr.E.G.Gnanakunalan, leading social activist made the welcome speech.
Mr.Saman Amarasinghe, Secretary of the National NGO Council of Sri Lanka
delivered the introductory speech.
A section of participants at the workshop