Tamil Eelam national conference on women’s development held
[TamilNet, Friday, 28 March 2003, 15:47 GMT]
A national conference on Tamil Eelam Women’s development, organized with the support of the organization for the upliftment of women in Batticaloa-Ampara, started at 9:00 am on Thursday at the Kallady Vipulanantha School for music and dance in Batticaloa.
 The day’s event started with a procession of thousands of women carrying placards and shouting slogans, led by the head of the Tamil Eelam Women’s Political Wing, Ms. Thamilini Subramaniam. The Batticaloa-Ampara women’s political wing head, Ms. Bhanuka, Women’s division military commander, Ms. Nilavini, officer in charge of the city, Mr. Senathirajah and his deputy, Mr. Kirushan, police division head Mr. Thamilinpan, other women’s wing commanders and fighters participated in the procession, sources said. When the procession reached the conference hall, the conference began with the raising of the Tamil Eelam national flag and lighting of the ceremonial lamp and a prayer. The head of the women’s political wing in Pattiruppu-Kottam gave the welcome speech. Ms. Bhanuka and Ms. Thamilini in their speeches focused on the themes of women’s economic development, women’s advancement and women’s social equality.