LTTE to commemorate anniversary of Lt. Seelan’s death
[TamilNet, Monday, 14 July 2003, 16:14 GMT]
The twentieth anniversary of the death of Lieutenant Seelan (Charles Antony), a senior
attack commander of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, will be observed
Tuesday (July 15) in the Northeast province on a grand scale, sources said.
In the Jaffna district, a commemoration meeting will be held at the reconstructed memorial at the Meesalai- Allarai area in the Thenamaradchchi division, where
Lt. Seelan died in a direct confrontation with the Sri Lankan Army twenty years ago, sources said. In 1995, when the Sri Lanka Army wrested control of Jaffna from the LTTE, the SLA completely destroyed a memorial and a children's park named after Lt. Seelan at Meesalai-Allarai. Now the memorial has been reconstruced and Tuesday’s
anniversary will be held there. Lt. Seelan was a close confidante of the LTTE leader, Mr.V.Pirapaharan, who formed a separate brigade in the LTTE after his name, the Charles Antony brigade, in 1991, sources said. A commemoration meeting is to be held in Trincomalee on July 15, Tuesday at the LTTE’ political office in the town, sources said.